Sharing Days: Visit the storehouse of science

Special collection Utrecht University library - photo by Bart Jaski

Special collection

Silence, dust and misses with buns. Is this also the image that comes to mind when you hear the word library? We will make sure you leave that idea behind for good. 

At the start of your visit to the Utrecht Science Park University Library, the iconic building by architect Wiel Arets, you will be briefed on the vision and role of the library in these current (digital) times.  This is followed by a tour of the building and a look at the depots. A demonstration of our state-of-the-art scanners is of course part of this. The tour ends with a visit to the Maps Room where some treasures from the rich collection are ready for viewing. A curator will be present for explanations.

Sharing Days

Every year in June, the Sharing Days take place in Utrecht. This alumni event with festival vibes offers a jam-packed program with numerous activities in the fields of science, research, sports and culture. Spread across locations on the Science Park and in the lively city center of Utrecht, the Alumni Office facilitates workshops, tours, master classes and other festivities especially for all alumni of Utrecht University.

Start date and time
End date and time
Utrecht University library Science Park, Heidelberglaan 3, 3584 CS Utrecht
Entrance fee

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