Sharing Days: Garden yoga - 6 pm

Yoga op het gras in de Botanische Tuinen
Yoga at the Botanical Gardens

Relax and stretch

Want to end your working day on a good note? Then come to the yoga class at the Botanical Gardens. In this class, you will go through exercises and poses step by step. Depending on your level, you will get adjustments to deepen and perfect your exercises and poses. Listen to the birds and you can go through the evening full of energy.
This class is taught by an instructor from Sports Centre Olympos. The yoga class is also offered at 5pm.

Sharing Days

Every year in June, the Sharing Days take place in Utrecht. This alumni event with festival vibes offers a jam-packed program with numerous activities in the fields of science, research, sports and culture. Spread across locations on the Science Park and in the lively city center of Utrecht, the Alumni Office facilitates workshops, tours, master classes and other festivities especially for all alumni of Utrecht University.

Start date and time
End date and time
Festival site Botanical garden Universiteit Utrecht, Budapestlaan 17, 3584 CD Utrecht
Entrance fee

Register here.