Sharing Days: Climbing workshop starts at 6.30 pm

De klimwand PR
Rock climbing wall PR Science Park

Climbing workshop

Do you want to climb the highest rock climbing wall in the middle of the Netherlands? You can! Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, you will learn the basics of climbing and securing, while enjoying the fresh air. Ideal for beginners, but also suitable for improving your climbing skills.

This climbing workshop is given by an instructor from Sports Centre Olympos. There is also a climbing workshop at 5 pm.

Sharing Days

Every year in June, the Sharing Days take place in Utrecht. This alumni event with festival vibes offers a jam-packed program with numerous activities in the fields of science, research, sports and culture. Spread across locations on the Science Park and in the lively city center of Utrecht, the Alumni Office facilitates workshops, tours, master classes and other festivities especially for all alumni of Utrecht University.

Start date and time
End date and time
Kalymnos (part of Olympos), climbing wall next to the P&R, Upsalalaan, 3584 CT Utrecht
Entrance fee

Register here.