Next to Science

Next to science in academia

The time period for getting a doctoral thesis ready on an average is four years. During these four years the administration and management skills of most PhD candidates are honed to an extent that alongside being researchers they also end up being excellent managers in their own accord. As a PhD candidate one learns to manage human resource in terms of students, technicians and other people such as research collaborators.

Record keeping is one important aspect of research and during the four-year tenure a candidate performs numerous experiments and the data of which needs to be immaculately maintained. Along with these examples there are many tasks that a candidate carries out and gains immense experience and knowledge of managerial and administrational skills. Academic institutions are in need of excellent managers who are acquainted with the working of an educational institution and hence are able to manage certain departments with ease and expertise at the same time. PHD's are the ultimate candidates with their in-depth knowledge of the scientific world. Join PHACE and listen to our guest from the management in academia field and look at the opportunities that you can choose from this track.