Dr. Lisandra Costiner

Lisandra (Lia) Costiner is an Assistant Professor in the History of Art. Her research focuses on late-medieval and early-modern visual culture, with an interest in digital methodologies. She trained in the History of Art at the University of Oxford (MSt and PhD) and in Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University (BA) and MIT. Her post-doctoral research has taken her to Italy (where she was a Digital Humanities Fellow at the Harvard Center for Renaissance Studies, Villa I Tatti, 2022), the University of Oxford, U.K. (where she was a Junior Research Fellow in the History of Art, 2018-21, and Stipendiary Lecturer in the History of Art, 2020-21), and Switzerland (where she conducted a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Laboratories of Digital Humanities and Experimental Museology at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, 2017-18).

How can visual art, objects and cultural sites open new windows into societies of the past?

Lisandra Costiner has been a member of the Utrecht Young Academy, a bridge between young and talented researchers, since 2023.