Collaboration & Contact
Would you like to exchange thoughts on a possible cooperation with us, a research proposal or a concrete commission in one of our areas of expertise?
Don’t hesitate to contact us!
You can reach our platform manager through our platform email In case you want to contact one of our team members personally, see our full team for more contact details.
Join the Scientific Reading Group
Are you interested in joining the Scientific Reading Group? Send us an email via
The Bottom-up Literature Review
The bottom-up initiatives platform is looking for members in the platform who are interested in writing a (systematic) literature review that compares the most important literature streams in the platform, and finds the commonalties and differences.
Present in Our Seminar Series!
This academic year, we will organise 4 interdisciplinary seminars. Are you interested in presenting your research and discuss this in an interdisciplinary context? Please send an email with the title of your presentation to our seminar organizer Karin Geuijen (
Teach your Method in Our Workshop Series!
In the coming year, we will organise 4 methods workshops. To provide our community with the tools they want most, your input is of great value! Do you know of a method you want to learn in one of our workshops? Please email us at If you know a method you can teach others? Please email us as well.
Call for Contributor(s)!
We are still looking for contributors with research expertise on “Bottom-up Initiatives on Sustainability Challenges” and familiarity with the four stages of interdisciplinarity for our textbook project. Would you like to contribute a chapter?
Invitation to Display your Work
If you want to share your recent publications, research projects, news, or events related to the Bottom-up Initiatives theme with the UU platform members, please send us an email at