Interdisciplinary Research

The platform Bottom-up Initiatives for Societal Change has a strong focus on interdisciplinairy research due to our affiliated scholars coming from all four faculties ivolved in IOS.

We aim to facilitate collaborations on projects such as the development of grant proposals (e.g. Horizon, seed grants). We bring people together from the earlier hubs and stream as well as other platforms and strategic themes suitable to build consortia for certain proposals. We aim at interdisciplinary scientific progress as well as societal impact.

Current Projects

Bottom-up Research Initiatives

At the moment there are several research initiatives taking place within the platform. After the official kick-off of our platform, we granted a research fund to three projects. Additionally, our platform members are collaborating on setting up the Centre on Scaling.


Displayed Research Papers of our Scholars

Do you want to display your newly published research paper relating to bottom-up initiatives? Email your paper to us at