Organisation & People

Future Food Utrecht is one of the hubs within Pathways to Sustainability and one of the four strategic themes of Utrecht University. Future Food brings together the expertise from all Utrecht University ’s faculties on food. It is a community of more than 100 academics based at Utrecht University. Working in collaborative teams that cut across disciplines. Our common goal is to pave the way toward a more sustainable and healthy food system.  

The Future Food Utrecht management structure comprises two layers of governance: 


  • The Board consists of the chair and vice-chair, one representative from each faculty and the three Future Food Ambassadors. 
  • The Board reports to the Pathways to Sustainabilty Board, and its Chair will also be a member of the Pathways to Sustainability Programme Board.  
  • The main tasks of the Board are to develop and keep up-to-date the common mission and vision concerning the Future Food Hub. The Board is also responsible for the Hub’s operational and strategic decisions. It commences new initiatives to elaborate the profile of the Hub and builds relationships connecting the various departments and institutes as well as with societal stakeholders. 

Management Team 

  • The MT consists of the chair, vice-chair, the Engagement Manager and the Managing Director. 
  • The MT is responsible for the day-to-day operations regarding the execution of the Hub’s yearly program. 

Future Food Managing Director

Future Food Engagement Manager