Reports, Publications & Public Outreach
EU | The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): An assessment of EU-level policies influencing food environments and priority actions to create healthy food environments in the EU
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NL | Voedselconsumptie veranderen | PBL Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (in Dutch)
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INT | EAT-Lancet report
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EU |Green Deal
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EU | Farm to Fork Strategy
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NL | Vision Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality: Agriculture, nature and food: Valuable and connected.
"The Netherlands as a leader in circular agriculture".
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NL |Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on circular agriculture: Agriculture, Nature and Food: Valuable and Connected.
"Implementation Programme for the Vision for the Future of Plant Protection 2030"
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NL | Nitrogen Action Plan (in Dutch)
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NL |Report Remkes-Committee on Nitrogencrisis (in Dutch)
Read article 05-10-2022
NL | Rijksoverheid:Landelijk gebied: aanpak stikstof, natuur, water en klimaat (Dutch)
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NL | Food Waste in The Netherlands (in Dutch)
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NL | The Food Transition Coalition (TcV) has been asked by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) to reflect on the report At least tenable until: Moving towards a sustainable food system (in Dutch)
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ARTICLE |Degrowth and agri-food systems: a research agenda for the critical social sciences. Leonie Guerrero Lara, Laura van Oers, Jacob Smessaert, Julia Spanier, Guilherme Raj, Giuseppe Feola. Sustainability Science - 13 January 2023
THESIS |The Value of Food: Savoir Vivre = Savoir Manger. Irene Lenoir-Wijnkoop 26 September 2022
ARTICLE |Gamification for Sustainable Food Transitions: Supporting Multi-Level Cooperation in Short Food Supply Chains Through GAIN. Danika Moore, Bob Massar (Amped), Mark Frederiks (Amped), Remco Veltkamp (UU) and Hens Runhaar (UU) International Journal of Public Health - July 2022
ARTICLE | Strength of EU-level food environment policies and priority recommendations to create healthy food environments. Sanne K Djojosoeparto, Carlijn B M Kamphuis, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Celine Murrin, Isobel Stanley, Piotr Romaniuk, Janas M Harrington, Maartje P Poelman on behalf of the PEN Consortium. European Journal of Public Health - 09 March 2022
ARTICLE | How can National Government Policies Improve Food Environments in the Netherlands? Sanne K. Djojosoeparto, Carlijn B. M. Kamphuis, Stefanie Vandevijvere and Maartje P. Poelman on behalf of The PEN Consortium. International Journal of Public Health - 07 March 2022
THESIS | Welfare and health aspects of free ranges for laying hens Monique W.P. Bestman - 5 April 2022
ARTICLE | Position paper WUR Gezonde voedselomgeving is essentieel voor preventie en gezondheidsbevordering. Dr. Maartje Poelman (WUR), Prof. Emely de Vet (WUR), Dr. Carlijn Kamphuis (UU), Dr. Coosje Dijkstra (VU), Sanne Djojosoeparto (UU), Dr Wilma Waterlander (AMC), Prof Jacob Seidell (VU) en Prof. Frank van Lenthe (Erasmus MC). Wageningen University & Research - 14 March 2022
ARTICLE | Gezondheid in drievoud: Naar een gezond voedselsysteem voor planeet, consument en boer. W. van der Weijden, E. Lammerts Van Bueren, Jaap C. Seidell, Jan Staman, W. Ferwerda, M.A.S. Huber, A. Datema, T.H. Jetten, H. Kranstauber, L. Lauwers, P. Blom, Johan Garssen, H.H.F. Wijffels. Wetenschappelijke Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding - September 2021
ARTICLE | Human milk extracellular vesicles target nodes in interconnected signalling pathways that enhance oral epithelial barrier function and dampen immune responses. Marijke I. Zonneveld, Martijn J.C. van Herwijnen, Marcela M. Fernandez-Gutierrez, Alberta Giovanazzi, Anne Marit de Groot, Marije Kleinjan, Toni M.M. van Capel, Alice J.A.M. Sijts, Leonie S. Taams, Johan Garssen, Esther C. de Jong, Michiel Kleerebezem, Esther N.M. Nolte-’t Hoen, Frank A. Redegeld, Marca H.M. Wauben. Volume10, Issue 5, Wiley Online Library - March 2021.
ARTICLE | Seed dispersal as a search strategy: dynamic and fragmented landscapes select for multi-scale movement strategies in plants. Jelle Treep, Monique de Jager, Frederic Bartumeus, Merel B. Soons. Movement Ecology volume 9, Article number: 4 - 29 January 2021.
ARTICLE | Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion. Bipin K. Pandey, Guoqiang Huang, Rahul Bhosale, Sjon Hartman, Craig J. Sturrock, Lottie Jose, Olivier C. Martin, Michal Karady, Laurentius A.C.J. Voesenek, Karin Ljung, Jonathan P. Lynch, Kathleen M. Brown, William R. Whalley, Sacha J. Mooney, Dabing Zhang, Malcolm J. Bennett. Vol. 371, Issue 6526, pp. 276-280, Science -15 January 2021
ARTICLE | Allergen labelling: Current practice and improvement from a communication perspective. W. Marty Blom, Liselotte M. van Dijk, Anouska Michelsen-Huisman, Geert F. Houben, André C. Knulst, Yvette F. M. Linders, Kitty C. M. Verhoeckx, Bregje C. Holleman, Leo R. Lentz. Clinical & Experimental Allergy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2021;00:1–11.
ARTICLE | Organising Alternative Food Networks (AFNs): Challenges and Facilitating Conditions of different AFN types in three EU countries. Ana Poças Ribeiro, Robert Harmsen, Giuseppe Feola, Jesús Rosales Carréon, Ernst Worrell. Sociologia Ruralis, Vol 0, Number 0, January 2021
ARTICLE | The effects of nudges on purchases, food choice, and energy intake or content of purchases in real-life food purchasing environments: a systematic review and evidence synthesis. Marjolein C. Harbers, Joline W. J. Beulens, Femke Rutters, Femke de Boer, Marleen Gillebaart, Ivonne Sluijs & Yvonne T. van der Schouw. Nutrition Journal - September 2020
ARTICLE | Eating behavior and food purchases during the COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional study among adults in the Netherlands. Maartje P. Poelman, Marleen Gillebaart, Caroline Schlinkert, Coosje Dijkstra, Elianne Derksen, Frederike Mensink, Roel C.J. Hermans, Pleun Aardening,Denise de Ridder, Emely de Vet. Appetite - February 2021
ARTICLE Gezonde snacks: de kunst van het verleiden. Annemarie Wagemakers, Ien van de Goor, Denise de Ridder. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen - June 2020
ARTICLE | A Question-Based Method to Calculate the Human Appropriation of Land for Food (HALF) Index. Marije Hoff, Hugo Jan de Boer. Sustainability - December 2020
ARTICLE | Phosphorus fertilization is eradicating the niche of northern Eurasia’s threatened plant species. Martin Joseph Wassen, Julian Schrader, Jerry van Dijk, Maarten Boudewijn Eppinga. Nature Ecologie & Evolution - November 2020.
ARTICLE | Towards Healthy Planet Diets—A Transdisciplinary Approach to Food Sustainability Challenges. Stefan C. Dekker , Aletta D. Kraneveld , Jerry van Dijk , Agni Kalfagianni , Andre C. Knulst , Herman Lelieveldt , Ellen H. M. Moors , Eggo Müller , Raymond H. H. Pieters , Corné M. J. Pieterse , Stephanie Rosenkranz , Laurentius A. C. J. Voesenek and August C. M. van Westen. Challenges - September 2020
ARTICLE | The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): The Netherlands. Djojosoeparto SK, Kamphuis CBM en Poelman - August 2020
ARTICLE | Stakeholder views on the potential impact of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax on the budgets, dietary intake, and health of lower and higher socioeconomic groups in the Netherlands. Sanne K. Djojosoeparto, Michelle Eykelenboom, Maartje P. Poelman, Maartje M. van Stralen, Carry M. Renders, Margreet R. Olthof, Ingrid H. M. Steenhuis & Carlijn B. M. Kamphuis Archives of Public Health - November 2020
BOOK | . Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals. Insights from Agriculture, Health, Environment, and Energy. Ademola A. Adenle, Marian R. Chertow, Ellen H. M. Moors, David J. Pannell - October 2020
ARTICLE | Peri-urban agriculture as quiet sustainability: Challenging the urban development discourse in Sogamoso, Colombia. Giuseppe Feola, Jaime Suzunaga, Jenny Soler, Amanda Wilson Journal of Rural Studies - December 2020
ARTICLE | Murray W. Scown, Mark V. Brady, Kimberly A. Nicholas. Billions in Misspent EU Agricultural Subsidies Could Support the Sustainable Development Goals. One Earth 3, 237–250 August 21, 2020
ARTICLE | Annemarie Wagemakers, Ien van de Goor, Denise de Ridder & gastredactie. Gezonde snacks: de kunst van het verleiden. TSG , volume 98, 1–2(2020) (in Dutch)
PAPER | Mario Herrero, Philip K. Thornton, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Jeda Palmer, Tim G. Benton, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Jessica R. Bogard, Andrew Hall, Bernice Lee, Karine Nyborg, Prajal Pradhan, Graham D. Bonnett, Brett A. Bryan, Bruce M. Campbell, Svend Christensen, Michael Clark, Mathew T. Cook, Imke J. M. de Boer, Chris Downs, Kanar Dizyee, Christian Folberth, Cecile M. Godde, James S. Gerber, Michael Grundy, Petr Havlik, Andrew Jarvis, Richard King, Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Mauricio A. Lopes, C. Lynne McIntyre, Rosamond Naylor, Javier Navarro, Michael Obersteiner, Alejandro Parodi, Mark B. Peoples, Ilje Pikaar, Alexander Popp, Johan Rockström, Michael J. Robertson, Pete Smith, Elke Stehfest, Steve M. Swain, Hugo Valin, Mark van Wijk, Hannah H. E. van Zanten, Sonja Vermeulen, Joost Vervoort, Paul C. West. Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system. Nature 1, 266–272(2020)
REPORT | Hens Runhaar, Marko Hekkert, Niko Wojtynia, Dorith Vermunt. Restoration and utilization of biodiversity in dairy farming - Structural barriers to a transition towards more nature-inclusive dairy farming.
REPORT | Jerry van Dijk, Giuseppe Feola, Hens Runhaar, Koen Beumer, Marko Hekkert, Rene Verburg. Agricultural intensification a house of cards: challenging the current agricultural system.
PAPER | Dona Azizi. Access and allocation in food governance, a decadal view 2008–2018. Int Environ Agreements (2020) 20: 323–338
ARTICLE | Caroline Schlinkert, MarleenGillebaart, Jeroen Benjamins, Maartje Poelman, Denise de Ridder. The snack that has it all: People's associations with ideal snacks. Appetite, 152, 1 September 2020, 104722
ARTICLE | Adèle R. Tufford, Philip C. Calder, Pieter Van’t Veer, Edith F. Feskens, Theo Ockhuizen, Aletta D. Kraneveld, Jan Sikkema & Jan de Vries. Is nutrition science ready for the twenty-first century? Moving towards transdisciplinary impacts in a changing world. Eur J Nutr 59, 1–10 (2020)
ARTICLE | P.C. Calder, E.J.M. Feskens, A.D.· Kraneveld, J. Plat, P. van ’t Veer, J. de Vries. Towards “Improved Standards in the Science of Nutrition” through the Establishment of Federation of European Nutrition Societies Working Groups. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Ann Nutr Metab 2020;76:2–5
REPORT | (Dutch) Waardevolle Informatie Natuurgedreven Kwaliteit: Onderzoek naar een kennisbasis voor natuurgedreven landbouw. Jerry van Dijk, Geert van der Veer, Martin Woestenburg, Joke Stoop, Marjon Wijdeven, Kees van Veluw, Raymond Schrijver, Janne van den Akker, Erwin van Woudenberg, Dennis Kerkhoven, Mariska Slot. Financier Ministerie van LNV May 2020
ARTICLE | René Verburg, Eric Rahn, Pita Verweij, Marijke van Kuijk, Jaboury Ghazoul. An innovation perspective to climate change adaptation in coffee systems. Environmental Science & Policy, 97, July 2019, Pages 16-24
PhD Thesis| Allergenic risks of mealworm and other insects An approach to assess the risks of new food proteins in allergic patients. Henrike Casparina Helena Petronella Hustinx-Broekman. Utrecht University, May 23, 2017
Interview en presentatie natuurinclusieve melkveehouderij. Hens Runhaar. Universiteit Utrecht-YouTube 4 December 2021 (in Dutch)
Flora Plant: een nieuwe duurzame plantaardige roomboter. Jerry van Dijk. BNR Nieuwsradio interview 11 January 2021 (in Dutch)
Utrechtse student draagt bij aan kwantificeren van financiële risico’s van biodiversiteitsverlies. Volkskrant 18 June 2020 (in Dutch)
Natuurbeleid in Nederland: een hek om een lapje groen zetten en de rest van het land volbouwen. de Correspondent 1 April 2020 (in Dutch)
De Wakuli-koffie komt door de brievenbus, is dat goed voor de boer? Trouw Groene Claim 11 Februari 2020 (in Dutch)
Plantenziektes bestrijden met computerprogramma’s - Guido van der Ackerveken. Kennislink 17 Januari 2020 (in Dutch)
Tomorrows Menu - Rens Voesenek. FFU in Illuster 852019
Koop geen sojabonen meer uit ontbost gebied en nog vijf tips. NRC Next, 12 juli 2019 (in Dutch)
Agroforestry: betere koffie en hogere winst voor de boer. Natuurvriendelijke landbouw werkt - Rosalien Jezeer. One World 26 July 2018 (in Dutch)
Institute of Environmental Biology: selection of Public Outreach news items