Toet S., M. Bouwman, A. Cevaal, and J. T. A. Verhoeven. 2005. Nutrient removal through autumn harvest of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia shoots in relation to nutrient loading in a wetland system used for polishing sewage treatment plant effluent. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 40:1133-1156.
Beltman, B., W.J. Rip, A. Bak & T. van den Broek 2005. Effect of different chloride concentrations on nutrient release in wetland soils: a phytometer assessment in the Botshol wetlands, The Netherlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13: 577-585.
Janssen R., H. Goosen, M. L. Verhoeven, J. T. A. Verhoeven, A. Q. A. Omtzigt, and E. Maltby. 2005. Decision support for integrated wetland management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 20:215-229.
van den Berg L. J. L., E. Dorland, P. Vergeer, M. A. C. Hart, R. Bobbink, and J. G. M. Roelofs. 2005. Decline of acid-sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. New Phytologist, 166:551-564.
Toet S., R. S. P. Van Logtestijn, M. Schreijer, R. Kampf, and J. T. A. Verhoeven. 2005. The functioning of a wetland system used for polishing effluent from a sewage treatment plant. Ecological Engineering, 25:101-124.
Hefting M. M., J. C. Clement, P. Bienkowski, D. Dowrick, C. Guenat, A. Butturini, S. Topa, G. Pinay, and J. T. A. Verhoeven. 2005. The role of vegetation and litter in the nitrogen dynamics of riparian buffer zones in Europe. Ecological Engineering, 24:465-482.
Toet S., R. S. P. Van Logtestijn, R. Kampf, M. Schreijer, and J. T. A. Verhoeven. 2005. The effect of hydraulic retention time on the removal of pollutants from sewage treatment plant effluent in a surface-flow wetland system. Wetlands, 25:375-391.
Van den Berg, L. J. L., Tomassen, H.B.M., Roelofs, J. G. M., Bobbink, R. 2005. Effects of nitrogen enrichment on coastal dune grassland: a mesocosm study. Environmental Pollution, 138: 77-85.
Paulissen, M. P. C. P., Espasa Besalu, L., De Bruin, H., Van der Ven, P. J. M., Bobbink, R. 2005. Contrasting effects of ammonium enrichment on fen bryophytes. Journal of Bryology, 27: 109-117.
Van den Broek, T., Van Diggelen, R., Bobbink, R. 2005. Variation in seed buoyancy of plant species in wetlands with different flooding dynamics. Journal of Vegetation Science, 16: 579-586.
Dorland, E., Hart, M.A.C., Vergeer, M.L. & Bobbink, R. 2005. Assessing the success of wet heath restoration by combined sod cutting and liming. Applied Vegetation Science, 8, 209-218.
Dorland E., L. J. L. van den Berg, E. Brouwer, J. G. M. Roelofs, and R. Bobbink. 2005. Catchment liming to restore degraded, acidified heathlands and moorland pools. Restoration Ecology, 13:302-311.
Gilliams , S., Van Orshoven, J., Muys, B., Kros, H., Heil, G.W. and Van Deursen W. 2005. AFFOREST sDSS: a metamodel based spatial decision support system for afforestation of agricultural land. New Forest,s 30: 33 - 53.
M. B. Soons, J. H. Messelink, E. Jongejans and G. W. Heil. 2005. Habitat fragmentation reduces grassland connectivity for both short-distance and long-distance wind-dispersed forbs. Journal of Ecology, 93, 1214-1225.
G.G. Katul, A. Porporato, R. Nathan, M. Siqueira, M.B. Soons, D. Poggi, H.S. Horn and S.A. Levin. 2005. Mechanistic analytical models for long-distance seed dispersal by wind. American Naturalist, 166 (3): 368-381.
M.B. Soons and W.A. Ozinga. 2005. How important is long-distance seed dispersal for the regional survival of plant species? Diversity and Distributions, 11: 165-172.
R. Nathan, N. Sapir, A. Trakhtenbrot, G.G. Katul, G. Bohrer, M. Otte, R. Avissar, M.B. Soons, H.S. Horn, M. Wikelski and S.A. Levin. 2005. Long-distance biological transport processes through the air: can nature's complexity be unfolded in-silico? Diversity and Distributions, 11: 131-137.
Professional publications
Anten, N.P.R., Casado-Garcia, R. & Nagashima, H. 2005. Effects of mechanical stress and plant density on mechanical characteristics, growth and life-time reproduction of tobacco plants. American naturalist, 166, 650-660.
Anten, N.P.R. 2005. Optimal characteristics of individual plants in vegetation stands and implications for species coexistence. Annals of Botany, 95, 495-506.
Arets, E.J.M.M. 2005. Long-term responses of populations and communities of trees to selective logging in tropical rain forests in Guyana. Ph.D. Thesis, UU; Tropenbos-Guyana Series 13 (191 pp.) {link to pdf}.
Boudewijn Beltman, Tom van den Broek & Phillippine Vergeer. 2005. Het beperkte succes van laagveen restauraties. Landschap, 22(4) 173-179.
Bijlsma, R.J., & During, H.J. 2005. Nieuwe vondsten van Bryum torquescens (Zonneknikmos) in Zuid-Limburg. Buxbaumiella, 71, 22-25.
Brienen, R.J.W. 2005. Tree rings in the tropics - a study on growth and ages of Bolivian rain forest trees. Ph.D. Thesis, UU; PROMAB Scientific Series 10 (144 pp.) {link to pdf}.
Brienen, R.J.W. & Zuidema, P.A. 2005. Relating tree growth to rainfall in Bolivian rain forests: a test for six species using tree ring analysis. Oecologia, 146, 1-12.
Couralet, C., Sass-Klaassen, U., Sterck, F.J., Bekele, T. & Zuidema, P.A. 2005. Combining dendrochronology and matrix modelling in demographic studies: An evaluation for Juniperus procera in Ethiopia. Forest Ecology and Management, 216, 317-330.
Dorland, E., Bobbink, R. & Brouwer, E. 2005. Herstelbeheer in het heidelandschap: overzicht van OBN-herstelmaatregelen. De Levende Natuur, 106, 204-208.
During, H.J. 2005. Ger Harmsen (1922-2005) overleden. Buxbaumiella, 71, 2-6.
Elemans, M. 2005. Plant traits in forest understory herbs - a modeling study. Ph.D. Thesis, UU (146 pag.) [link to pdf].
Hikosaka, K., Onoda, Y., Kinugasa, T., Nagashima, H., Anten, N.P.R. & Hirose, T. 2005. Plant responses to elevated CO2 concentration at different scales: leaf, whole plant, canopy, and population. Ecological Research, 20, 243-253.
Hikosaka, K., Onoda, Y., Kinugasa, T., Nagashima, H., Anten, N.P.R. & Hirose, T. 2005. Plant responses to elevated CO2 concentration at different scales: leaf, whole plant, canopy, and population. In T. Kohyama, J. Canadell, D.S. Ojima, & L.F. Pitelka (Eds.), Forest Ecosystems and Environments - Scaling Up from Shoot Module to Watershed (pp. 243-253). Heidelberg: Springer.
Katul, G.G., Porporato, A., Nathan, R., Siqueira, M., Soons, M.B., Poggi, D., Horn, H.S., & Levin, S.A. 2005. Mechanistic analytical models for long-distance seed dispersal by wind. American naturalist, 166, 368-381.
Lenssen, J.P.M., Hershock, C., Speek, T., During, H.J. & Kroon, H. de 2005. Experimental ramet aggregation in the clonal plant Agrostis stolonifera reduces its competitive ability. Ecology, 86, 1358-1365 [link to pdf].
Lopez-Hofmann L, DeNoyer, JL, Monroe IE, ANTEN NPR, Martinez-Ramos M, Ackerly DD (2005) Effects of salinity and light on the carbon gain and growth of Rhizophora mangle mangrove seedlings. Biotropica (in press).
Muller, O. 2005. Seasonal acclimation to light and temperature in an evergreen understory shrub. Ph.D. Thesis, UU (100 pag.) [link to pdf].
Muller, O., Hikosaka, K., Anten, N.P.R., Hirose, T., & Werger, M.J.A. 2005. Optimal leaf nitrogen content of an evergreen understorey plant in a temperate climate. In A. van de Est & D. Bruce (Eds.), Photosynthesis: Fundamental aspects to global perspectives (pp. 636-638). Lawrence, KS, USA: Allan Press.
Muller, O., Hikosaka, K., & Hirose, T. 2005. Seasonal changes in light and temperature affect the balance between light harvesting and light utilisation components of photosynthesis in an evergreen understory shrub. Oecologia, 143, 501-508.
van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L. & Sheil, D. 2005. Separating the effects of severe drought and subsequent fire on tree survival in a lowland dipterocarp rain forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of ecology, 93, 191-201.
Oliveira SM, Pôrto KC. 2005. Sporophyte production and population structure of two species of Pottiaceae in an Atlantic Forest remnant in Pernambuco, Brazil.Cryptogamie 26, 239-247.
Onoda, Y., Hikosaka, K., & Hirose, T. 2005. The balance between RuBP carboxylation and RuBP regeneration: a mechanism underlying the interspecific variation in acclimation of photosynthesis to seasonal change in temperature. Functional plant biology, 32, 903-910.
Pons, T.L. & Anten, N.P.R. 2005. Is plasticity in partitioning of photosynthetic resources between and within leaves important for whole-plant carbon gain in canopies? Functional Ecology 18: 802-811.
Poorter, L., Zuidema, P.A., Peña Claros, M. & Boot, R.G.A. 2005. A monocarpic tree species in a polycarpic world: how can Tachigali vasquezii maintain itself so successfully in a tropical rain forest community? Journal of ecology, 93, 268-278.
Siebel, H.N., During, H.J. & van Melick, H.M.H. 2005. Veranderingen in de standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen. Buxbaumiella, 73, 26-64.
Söderström, L. & During, H.J. 2005. Bryophyte rarity viewed from the perspectives of life history strategy and metapopulation dynamics. Journal of bryology, 27, 259-266 [link to pdf].
Soons, M.B., Messelink, J.H., Jongejans, E. & Heil, G.W. 2005. Habitat fragmentation reduces grassland connectivity for both short-distance and long-distance wind-dispersed forbs. Journal of ecology, 93, 1214-1225.
Sterck, F.J., Schieving, F., Lemmens, A. & Pons, T.L. 2005. Performance of trees in forest canopies: explorations with a bottom-up functional-structural plant growth model. New phytologist, 166, 827-843.
Van de Riet, B.P. , R. Bobbink, J.H. Willems, E.C.H.E.T. Lucassen en J.G.M. Roelofs. 2005. OBN Preadvies Zinkflora. Directie kennis, Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, Ede, pp. 90.
Van Rheenen, H.M.P.J.B. 2005. The role of seed trees and seedling regeneration for species maintenance in logged-over forests - a study in the Bolivian Amazon rainforest. Ph.D. Thesis, UU; PROMAB Scientific Series 9 (142 pag.) [link to pdf].
van Staalduinen, M.A. 2005. The impact of herbivores in a Mongolian forest steppe. Ph.D. Thesis, UU (123 pag.) [link to pdf].
van Staalduinen, M.A. 2005. Shift in plant species dominance by grazing and compensatory growth. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fuer Oekologie Vol. 35. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fuer Oekologie:104 (abstract).
van Staalduinen, M.A. & Anten, N.P.R. 2005. Differences in the capacity for compensatory growth of two co-occurring grass species in relation to water availability. Oecologia, 146, 190-199.
Van Tooren, B., Bobbink, R., Bekker, R., Van den Berg, L., Knevel, I. & Schimmel, I. 2005. Nog lange weg te gaan voor volledig herstel heide. De Levende Natuur, 106, 238-242.
Werger, M.J.A. 2005. The appreciation of ornamental nature and the role of nurseries in cities. The Botanical Gardens of China, 8, 194-204.
Yamada, T., Ngakan, O.P. & Suzuki, E. 2005. Root architecture and its ecological significance in tropical seedlings. Root Research, 14, 91-97.
Zuidema, P.A., Leffelaar, P.A., Gerritsma, W., Mommer, L. & Anten, N.P.R. 2005. A physiological production model for cocoa (Theobroma cacao): model presentation, validation and application. Agricultural Systems, 84, 195-225.
Zuidema, P.A., Sayer, J.A. & Dijkman, D.W. 2005. Forest fragmentation and biodiversity: the case for intermediate size conservation areas. In J.A. Sayer (Ed.), Earthscan Reader in Forestry and Development (pp. 306-322). London, UK: Earthscan.
Symposium abstracts
M.B. Soons and G.W. Heil. 2005 Habitatversnippering en habitatverbinding voor windverspreide plantensoorten. Necov wintersymposium "Wisselende contacten: ecologische aspecten van verbinding en isolatie", Den Bosch, The Netherlands.
M.B. Soons, M. van Loon and J.T.A. Verhoeven. 2005. Paired wetland sites. Eurolimpacs Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece.
Fujita, Y., Heil, G.W., de Ruiter, P., Soomers, H., van Loon, A. and Wassen, M. 2005. Eco-hydrological modelling of groundwater dependent ecosystems. Conference for wetlands: monitoring, modelling and management, Wierzba, Poland, 22-25 September 2005
Sollie, Susan, Jos T.A. Verhoeven, Hugo Coops and Rob Portielje. 2005. Nutrient status and vegetation in the littoral zone of shallow eutrophicated lakes in relation to water regime - a correlative field study in the IJsselmeer area, the Netherlands. Abstract Shallow Lakes symposium, Dalfsen, 2005.
A.M. Antheunisse & R. Loeb. 2005. Bottlenecks for ecological rehabilitation of species-rich vegetation in river forelands - A comparative study in Dutch and Polish river systems, Symposium Soil & Water – poster presentation, Zeist, The Netherlands
A.M. Antheunisse, R. Loeb and M. Miletto. 2005. Restoration of a closed-off estuary in the Netherlands, consequences for biogeochemistry and terrestrial vegetation: first results of a mesocosm experiment, Ecological Restoration Conference – oral presentation, Zaragoza, Spain
Verhoeven, J.T.A. 2005. Wetlands and water quality: a landscape perspective. 9thInternational Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Smits, N.A.C., R. Bobbink & J.H. Willems. 2005. Restoration of matgrass swards in South Limburg, the Netherlands. In: D. Espirito Santo (ed.), Marginal landscapes and nutrient-poor ecosystems - processes and adaptations. 48th symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, Lisbon, (Portugal), Abstract.
Smits, N.A.C., T. van Noordwijk, R. Huiskes, R. Bobbink, J.H. Willems, H. Esselink, H. Siepel, L. Kuiters & J.H.J. Schaminée. 2005. Restoration of plant and animal communities of dry, nutrient-poor grasslands in Southern Limburg (NL). Poster workshop "Restoration and Management of Chalk Grasslands in Europe" 17 - 19 Augustus 2005, University of Bath, England.