
For recent achievements and activities, see

Forests for the Future

A new report called ‘Forests for the Future’ was launched.
The report is the culmination of work under the most recent Prince Bernhard Chair, Utrecht University, Professor Jaboury Ghazoul (2015-2020).
The report ‘Forests for the Future – Restoration Success at Landscape Scale: What will it Take and What Have we Learned?’ is a contribution to the Bonn Challenge - a global target to bring 350 million hectares of degraded and deforested land into restoration by 2030. Since the Challenge was set in 2011, 74 governments, private associations and companies have pledged more than 210 million hectares.
The report showcases insights from researchers and practitioners at the coalface of forest and ecosystem restoration around the world on the greatest opportunities, as well as the most fundamental challenges, that need to be addressed in the coming years.

Achievements of 30 years Prince Bernhard Chair

Over the last 30+ years, the Prince Bernhard Chair contributed to linking conservation science and practice.

  • BSc, MSc and PhD students, including many from developing countries, were trained in conservation issues by Prince Bernhard Chair holders and affiliated lecturers
  • junior scientists from developing countries have been trained in conservation science and now apply their skills at important positions (United Nations, ministries, leading conservation organizations)
  • research and training projects have been conducted on conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems in South America, Asia and Africa
  • PhD theses and scientific articles related to international nature conservation have been published
  • professionals in conservation have attended seminars and lectures by Chair holders
  • strong links between universities, conservation organizations and governments have been created

The Prince Bernhard Chair will continue to serve nature conservation in the future through:

  • Continuing to improve the science-practice dialogue in conservation and publicize new scientific insights
  • Organizing seminars on current themes in international conservation
  • Teaching courses in conservation science, for both Dutch and international students and researchers