Beltman, B., Rouwenhorst, T.G., Van Kerkhoven, M.B., Van der Krift, T. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2000) Internal eutrophication in peat soils through competition between chloride and sulphate with phosphate for binding sites. Biogeochemistry 50: 183-194.
Güsewell, S. & Klötzli, F. (2000) Assessment of aquatic and terrestrial reed stands. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 8: 367-373
Güsewell, S., Le Nédic, C. & Buttler, A. (2000) Dynamics of common reed (Phragmites australis Trin.) in Swiss fens with different management. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 8: 375-389
Güsewell, S., Zorzi, A. & Gigon, A. (2000) Mowing in early summer as a remedy to eutrophication in Swiss fen meadows: are really more nutrients removed? Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH, 66: 11-24.
Lake, P.S., Palmer, M.A., Biro, P., Cole, J.C., AP, Dahm, C., Gibert, J., Goedkoop, W., Martens, K. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2000) Global change and the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems: impacts on linkages between above-sediment and sediment biota. BioScience 50: 1099-1107.
Lamers, L.P.M., Bobbink, R. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (2000) Natural nitrogen filter fails in polluted raised bogs. Global Change Biology 6: 583-586.
Palmer, M.A., Covich, A.P., Lake, S., Biro, P., Brooks, J.J., Cole, J., Dahm, C., Gibert, J., Goedkoop, W., Martens, K., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Van de Bund, W.J. (2000) Linkages between aquatic sediment biota and life above sediments as potential drivers of biodiversity and ecological processes. BioScience 50: 1062-1076.
Scheffer, R.A. & Aerts, R. (2000) Root decomposition and soil nutrient and carbon cycling in two temperate fen ecosystems. Oikos 91: 541-549.
Van der Peijl, M.J., Van Oorschot, M.M.P. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2000) Simulation of the effects of nutrient enrichment on nutrient and carbon dynamics in a river marginal wetland. Ecological Modelling 134: 169-184.
Van der Peijl, M.J. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2000) Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in river marginal wetlands; using a dynamic simulation model to examine the importance of landscape geochemical flows. Biogeochemistry 50: 45-71.
Van Oorschot, M.M.P., Spink, A., Van Gaalen, N., Maltby, E., Mockler, N. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2000) Experimental manipulation of soil water levels in two French riverine grassland soils. Acta Oecologica 21: 49-62.
Willems, J.H. & Dorland, E. (2000) Flowering frequency and plant performance and their relation to age in the perennial orchid Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. Plant Biology, 2, 344-349.
Professional publications
Anand, M. 2000. The fundamentals of vegetation change - complexity rules. Acta Biotheoretica 48: 1-14.
Anand, M. & Heil, G.W. 2000. Analysis of a recovery process: Dwingelose Heide revisted. Community Ecology 1: 65 – 72.
Barendregt, A., Beltman, B., Bootsma, M., Van den Broek, A. & Thörig, W.B. (2000) Herstel van natte schraallanden in West-Nederland, 1997-1999. EGM/OBN, Expertisecentrum LNV, Universiteit Utrecht, 68 pp.
De Smidt, J.T. & Heil, G.W. 2000. Effect van begrazing of de Gooise heidevelden. De Levende Natuur 63 – 67
Dirkse, G.M., During, H.J. & Siebel, H. 2000. Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever, en hauwmossen. Buxbaumiella 50: 68-128.
Dorland, E., Bobbink, R., Brouwer, E., Peters, C.J.H., Van der ven, P.J.M., Vergeer, P., Verheggen, G.M. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (2000) Herintroductie en bekalking van het inzijggebied. Aanvulling bij effectgerichte maatregelen in heischrale milieus. UU en KUN, Utrecht/Nijmegen. 118 pp.
During, H.J. 2000. Life history characteristics of threatened bryophytes. Zeitschrift fuer Oekologie und Naturschutz 9: 19-26.
Dijkman, W. 2000. Leaf productivity and response to harvesting in the Ilala palm (Hyphaene petersiana) in southern Zimbabwe. In: Timberlake, J. & Kativu, S. (eds.), African plants - biodiversity, taxonomy and uses. Royal Botanic gardens, Kew. Pp. 529- 538.
Hammond, D.S., van der Hout, P., Cassells, D.S., Zagt, R.J., Evans, J. & Marshall, G. 2000. Benefits, bottlenecks and uncertainties in the implementation of reduced impact logging techniques The International Forestry Review 2: 45-53.
Herben, T., During, H.J. & Law, R. 2000. Spatio-temporal patterns in grassland communities. pp. 48-64 in: Dieckmann, U., Law, R. & Metz, J.A.J. (eds.), The geometry of ecological interactions: simplifying spatial complexity. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. & ter Steege, H. 2000. Southwest Guyana: a complex mosaic of savannahs and forests. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 147-158.
Ke, G. 2000. Germination, seedling survival and growth of two carpinus species from a Chinese beech forest. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 24: 385 - 390.
Leeflang, L. 2000. Response of Trifolium repens to a mosaic of bare and vegetated patches. Plant Species Biology 15: 59-65.
Li, R., Werger,M.J.A., de Kroon, H. During, H.J. & Zhong, Z.C. 2000. Interactions between shoot age structure, nutrient availability and physiological integration in the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens. Plant Biology 2: 437-446.
Poorter, L., Hayashida-Oliver, Y. 2000. Effects of seasonal drought on gap and understorey seedlings in a Bolivian moist forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16:481-498.
Poorter, L., Kwant, R., Hernandez, R., Medina, E. & Werger, M.J.A. 2000. Leaf optical properties in Venezuelan cloud forest trees. Tree Physiology 20: 519-526.
Rose, S.A. 2000. Seeds, seedlings and gaps - size matters. A study in the tropical rain forest of Guyana .Tropenbos-Guyana Series 9: 1- 175.
Schreijer, M., Kampf, R., Toet, S. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2000) Nabehandeling van RWZI-effluent tot bruikbaar oppervlaktewater in een moerassysteem. Hoogheemraadschap Uitwaterende Sluizen, Edam, pp. 1-95.
Shmida, A., Lev-Yadun, S., Goubitz, S. & Neéman, G. 2000. Sexual allocation and gender segregation in Pinus halepensis. In: Ne'eman, G. & Trabaud, L. (eds.), Ecology, biogeography and management of Pinus halepensi and Pinus brutia forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin. Backhuys Publ., Leiden. Pp.91 - 104.
Siebel, H.N., Van Tooren, B.F., Van Melick, H.M.H., Bouman, A.C., During, H.J. & Van Dort, K.W. 2000. Bedreigde en kwetsbare mossen in Nederland. Basisrapport met voorstel voor de Rode Lijst. Buxbaumiella 54: 1-86.
ter Steege, H. 2000. A perspective on Guyana and its plant richness Pp. 11-18 in ter Steege, H. Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
ter Steege, H. (editor) 2000. Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 220 pp.
ter Steege, H. 2000. The use of national forest inventory data for a Protected Area Strategy in Guyana. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 55-78.
ter Steege, H. 2000. Flora, vegetation, endemism and altitudinal gradients in the Guayana Highland area: a brief overview. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp.139-146.
ter Steege, H. Bertilsson, P. & Zagt, R.J. 2000. Introduction. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 5- 10.
ter Steege, H., Ek, R. & van Andel, T. 2000. A comparison of diversity patterns of tree and non-tree groups. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 131-138.
ter Steege, H. & Hammond, D.S. 2000. An analysis at the ecosystem level: community characteristics, diversity and disturbance In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 101-117.
ter Steege, H. Hammond, D.S. & van den Borg, K. 2000. A retrospective study of fire as catastrophic disturbance in present-day tropical rainforests of central Guyana. Tropenbos-Guyana Report 2000: 16 pp.
ter Steege, H., Jansen-Jacobs, M., & Datadin, V. 2000. Can botanical collections assist in a National Protected Area Strategy in Guyana? Biodiversity and Conservation 9: 215-240.
ter Steege, H., Jansen-Jacobs, M., & Datadin, V. 2000 Can botanical collections assist in a National Protected Area Strategy in Guyana? In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 79-100.
ter Steege, H., Lilwah, R,, Ek, R.C., van der Hout, P., Thomas, R.S., van Essen, J. & Jetten, V.G. 2000. Composition and diversity of the rain forest in Central Guyana. An addendum to ‘Soils of the rainforest in Central Guyana’. Tropenbos-Guyana Report 2000-1: 75 pp.
ter Steege, H., Lilwah, R., Ek, R. van Andel, T., van der Hout, P., Thomas, R., van Essen, J. & Ramdass, I. 2000. Diversity at different scales: a comparison of large-scale forest inventories and smaller plots. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 117-130.
ter Steege, H., Sabatier, S., Castellanos, H., van Andel, T., Duivenvoorden, J., de Oliveira, A.A., Ek, R.C., Lilwah, R., Maas, P.J.M., & Mori, S.A. 2000. An analysis of Amazonian floristic composition, including those of the Guiana Shield. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16: 801-828.
ter Steege, H., Sabatier, S., Castellanos, H., van Andel, T., Duivenvoorden, J., de Oliveira, A.A., Ek, R.C., Lilwah, R., Maas, P.J.M., & Mori, S.A. 2000. A regional perspective: analysis of Amazonian floristic composition and diversity that includes the Guiana Shield. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp.19-34.
ter Steege, H. & Zondervan, G. 2000. A preliminary analysis of large-scale forest inventory data of the Guiana Shield. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp. 35-54 .
ter Steege, H., Zagt, R., Bertilsson, P. & Singh, J.. 2000. Plant diversity in Guyana: implications for the establishment of a Protected Areas system. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Plant diversity in Guyana. With recommendation for a protected areas strategy. Tropenbos Series 18. Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Pp.159-178.
van der Hout, P. 2000. Testing the applicability of reduced impact logging in Greenheart forest in Guyana. The International Forestry Review 2: 24-32.
van der Hout, P. 2000. Pibiri Permanent Plots. Objectives, Design and Database Management. Tropenbos-Guyana Report 2000-2,: 35 pp.
Verburg, R., Maas, J., During, H.J. 2000. Clonal diversity in differently-aged populations of the pseudo-annual clonal plant Circaea lutetiana L. Plant biology 2: 646-652.
Verhoeven, M.L., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Bobbink, R. (2000) Waterkwaliteit, inrichting en monitoring van de ecozone langs de Weerdsingel, Utrecht. UU en Gemeente Utrecht, 70 pp.
Werger, M.J.A., Li, R., Zhong, Z.C. & During, H.J. 2000. Ecological position, structure, and diversity of the groves of the giant bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens, in subtropical China. Berichte der Reinhold-Tuexen-Gesellschaft 12: 241-252.
Wienk, L.D., Verhoeven, J.T.A., Coops, H. & Portielje, R. (2000) Peilbeheer en nutriënten. Literatuurstudie naar de effecten van peildynamiek op de nutriëntenhuishouding van watersystemen. RIZA rapport 2000.012.
Willems, J.H. & Dorland, E. 2000. Flowering frequency and plant performance and their relation to age in the perennial orchid Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. Plant Biology 2: 344-349.
Zagt, R.J. 2000. The Tropenbos-Guyana Programme. An overview of the research programme and scientific outputs 1989-2000. Tropenbos Guyana Report 2000-3: 21 pp.
Zagt, R.J., Arets, E.J.M & van Ulft, L. 2000. The population dynamics of Baromalli in the Barama concession. Technical Background Document. Tropenbos-Guyana Report. 25 pp.
Zagt, R.J. & Armstrong, S. 2000. The role of research in improving forest management – collaboration between a research institute and a forest concessionaire. In: Eckelmann, C. (ed), Proceedings of a Regional FAO Workshop on Management and Monitoring of Forest Concessions, Paramaribo, Suriname, 12-14 October 1999. pp. 15 - 36.
Zagt, R.J., van der Hout, P. & Parren, M. 2000. Growth and yield prediction: some experiences from the Tropenbos Programme. In: Wright, H.L. & Alder, D. (ed.), Proceedings of a workshop on “Humid and semi-humid tropical forest yield regulation with minimal data”, CATIE, Costa Rica, 5-9 July 1999. O.F.I. Occasional papers 52: 28-34.
Zuidema, P.A. 2000. Demography of exploited tree species in the Bolivian Amazon. Promab Scientific Series 2: 1 - 240.