2022 - Ecology and Biodiversity - Utrecht University Skip to main content
2022 Lourenço KS, Costa OYDA, Cantarella H, Kuramae EE. 2022. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and fungal denitrifier diversity are associated with N2O production in tropical soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 166:Article 108563. Chang J, van Veen JA, Tian C, Kuramae EE. 2022. A review on the impact of domestication of the rhizosphere of grain crops and a perspective on the potential role of the rhizosphere microbial community for sustainable rice crop production. Science of the Total Environment. 842:Article 156706. Van leeuwen CHA, Villar N, Mendoza sagrera I, Green AJ, Bakker ES, Soons MB, Galetti M, Jansen PA, Nolet BA, Santamaría L. 2022. A seed dispersal effectiveness framework across the mutualism–antagonism continuum. Oikos. 2022(9):Article e09254. Hong P, Schmid B, De Laender F, Eisenhauer N, Zhang X, Chen H, Craven D, De Boeck HJ, Hautier Y, Petchey OL, et al. 2022. Biodiversity promotes ecosystem functioning despite environmental change. Ecology Letters. 25(2):555-569. Lett S, Jónsdóttir IS, Becker-scarpitta A, Christiansen CT, During H, Ekelund F, Henry GHR, Lang S, Michelsen A, Rousk K, et al. 2022. Can bryophyte groups increase functional resolution in tundra ecosystems?. Arctic Science. 8(3):609-637. Tian L, Chang J, Shi S, Ji L, Zhang J, Sun Y, Li X, Li X, Xie H, Cai Y, et al. 2022. Comparison of methane metabolism in the rhizomicrobiomes of wild and related cultivated rice accessions reveals a strong impact of crop domestication. Science of the Total Environment. 803:Article 150131. Timmers R, van Kuijk M, Verweij PA, Ghazoul J, Hautier Y, Laurance WF, Arriaga-Weiss SL, Askins RA, Battisti C, Berg Å, et al. 2022. Conservation of birds in fragmented landscapes requires protected areas. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 20(6):361-369. Lin L, Song YB, Li Y, Goudzwaard L, van Logtestijn RSP, Chang C, Broekman R, van Hal J, Zuo J, Sterck FJ, et al. 2022. Considering inner and outer bark as distinctive tissues helps to disentangle the effects of bark traits on decomposition. Journal of Ecology. 110(10):2359-2373. Liang M, Baiser B, Hallett LM, Hautier Y, Jiang L, Loreau M, Record S, Sokol ER, Zarnetske PL, Wang S. 2022. Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 6(11):1669-1675. Leite MFA, Broek SWEBVD, Kuramae EE. 2022. Current Challenges and Pitfalls in Soil Metagenomics. Microorganisms. 10(10):Article 1900. Semchenko M, Barry KE, Vries FT, Mommer L, Moora M, Maciá‐Vicente JG. 2022. Deciphering the role of specialist and generalist plant–microbial interactions as drivers of plant–soil feedback. New Phytologist. 234(6):1929-1944. Yang G-J, Hautier Y, Zhang Z-J, Lü X-T, Han X-G. 2022. Decoupled responses of above- and below-ground stability of productivity to nitrogen addition at the local and larger spatial scale. Global Change Biology. 28(8):2711-2720. Velthuis M, Keuskamp JA, Bakker ES, Boersma M, Sommer U, van Donk E, Van de Waal DB. 2022. Differential effects of elevated pCO2 and warming on marine phytoplankton stoichiometry. Limnology and Oceanography. 67(3):598-607. Kim B, Westerhuis JA, Smilde AK, Floková K, Suleiman AKA, Kuramae EE, Bouwmeester HJ, Zancarini A. 2022. Effect of strigolactones on recruitment of the rice root-associated microbiome. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 98(2):Article fiac010. Wang Z, Chen Z, Leite MFA, Xu Z, Lin Q, Kowalchuk GA, Fu X, Kuramae EE. 2022. Effects of probiotic consortia on plant metabolites are associated with soil indigenous microbiota and fertilization regimes. Industrial Crops and Products. 185:Article 115138. Bulgarelli RG, Leite MFA, de Hollander M, Mazzafera P, Andrade SAL, Kuramae EE. 2022. Eucalypt species drive rhizosphere bacterial and fungal community assembly but soil phosphorus availability rearranges the microbiome. Science of the Total Environment. 836:Article 155667. Price JN, Sitters J, Ohlert T, Tognetti PM, Brown CS, Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Prober SM, Bakker ES, MacDougall AS, et al. 2022. Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 6(9):1290-1298. Isbell F, Balvanera P, Mori AS, He JS, Bullock JM, Regmi GR, Seabloom EW, Ferrier S, Sala OE, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, et al. 2022. Expert perspectives on global biodiversity loss and its drivers and impacts on people. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Zwerts JA, Wiegers JN, Sterck EHM, Van Kuijk M. 2022. Exploring spatio-temporal variation in soundscape saturation of an African tropical forest landscape. Ecological Indicators. 137:1-10. Momesso L, Crusciol CAC, do Nascimento CAC, Soratto RP, Canisares LP, Moretti LG, Rosolem CA, Trivelin PCO, Kuramae EE, Cantarella H. 2022. Feasibility of early fertilization of maize with 15 N application to preceding cover crop. European Journal of Agronomy. 135:1-11. Gao Z, Jousset A, Kowalchuk GA, Geisen S. 2022. Five Groups in the Genus Allovahlkampfia and the Description of the New Species Vahlkampfia bulbosis n.sp. Protist. 173(3):1-16. Momesso L, Crusciol CAC, Leite MFA, Bossolani JW, Kuramae EE. 2022. Forage Grasses Steer Soil Nitrogen Processes, Microbial Populations, and Microbiome Composition in A Long-term Tropical Agriculture System. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 323:1-14. Zheng LT, Chen HYH, Hautier Y, Bao DF, Xu MS, Yang BY, Zhao Z, Zhang L, Yan ER. 2022. Functionally diverse tree stands reduce herbaceous diversity and productivity via canopy packing. Functional Ecology. 36(4):950-961. Wagemans J, Holtappels D, Vainio E, Rabiey M, Marzachì C, Herrero S, Ravanbakhsh M, Tebbe CC, Ogliastro M, Ayllón MA, et al. 2022. Going Viral: Virus-Based Biological Control Agents for Plant Protection. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 60:21-42. He M, Pan Y, Zhou G, Barry KE, Fu Y, Zhou X. 2022. Grazing and global change factors differentially affect biodiversityecosystem functioning relationships in grassland ecosystems. Global Change Biology. 28(18):5492-5504. Jessen M, Auge H, Harpole WS, Hautier Y, Eskelinen A, Li M, ed. 2022. Grazing and light modify Silene latifolia responses to nutrients and future climate. PLoS One. 17(11):1-16. Amacker N. 2022. Harnessing the potential of predatory protists to support a beneficial soil microbiome. Utrecht: Utrecht University. 191 p. Li M, Pommier T, Yin Y, Wang J, Gu S, Jousset A, Keuskamp J, Wang H, Wei Z, Xu Y, et al. 2022. Indirect reduction of Ralstonia solanacearum via pathogen helper inhibition. ISME Journal. 16(3):868-875. Wiegers JN, Jongejans E, van Turnhout CAM, van den Bremer L, van der Jeugd H, Kleyheeg E. 2022. Integrated population modeling identifies low duckling survival as a key driver of decline in a European population of the Mallard. Condor. 124(3). Huang M, Wang S, Liu X, Nie M, Zhou S, Hautier Y. 2022. Intra- and interspecific variability of specific leaf area mitigate the reduction of community stability in response to warming and nitrogen addition. Oikos. 2022(9):1-12. Zhang Z, Bao T, Hautier Y, Yang J, Liu Z, Qing H. 2022. Intra-annual growing season climate variability drives the community intra-annual stability of a temperate grassland by altering intra-annual species asynchrony and richness in Inner Mongolia, China. Ecology and Evolution. 12(10):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9385 Fernandes Alves Leite M. 2022. Lessons from the Amazon biome: impact of management practices on abovegroundbelowground interactions. Utrecht University. 190 p. Eskelinen A, Harpole WS, Jessen M-T, Virtanen R, Hautier Y. 2022. Light competition drives herbivore and nutrient effects on plant diversity. Nature. 611(7935):301-305. Ladouceur E, Blowes SA, Chase JM, Clark AT, Garbowski M, Alberti J, Arnillas CA, Bakker JD, Barrio IC, Bharath S, et al. 2022. Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment. Ecology Letters. 25(12):2699-2712. Van Kuijk M, De Jager M, Van Oosterhout M, De Laender L, Parahoe M. 2022. Local abundances of terrestrial mammal and bird species around indigenous villages in Suriname. Conservation Science and Practice. 4(6):1-14. Callaghan DA, During H, Medina R, Yang H. 2022. Long-term survival of bryophytes underground. an investigation of the diaspore bank of Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn. Journal of Bryology. 44(3):208-216. Leite MFA, Liu B, Cardozo EG, E Silva HR, Luz RL, Muchavisoy KHM, Moraes FHR, Rousseau GX, Kowalchuk G, Gehring C, et al. 2022. Microbiome resilience of Amazonian forests: agroforest divergence to bacteria and secondary forest succession convergence to fungi. Global Change Biology. Schnabel F, Barry KE, Eckhardt S, Guillemot J, Geilmann H, Kahl A, Moossen H, Bauhus J, Wirth C. 2022. Neighbourhood species richness and drought-tolerance traits modulate tree growth and δ13C responses to drought. bioRxiv. Chang J, Tian L, Leite MFA, Sun Y, Shi S, Xu S, Wang J, Chen H, Chen D, Zhang J, et al. 2022. Nitrogen, manganese, iron, and carbon resource acquisition are potential functions of the wild rice Oryza rufipogon core rhizomicrobiome. Microbiome. 10(1):Article 196. Muehleisen AJ, Watkins CRE, Altmire GR, Shaw EA, Case MF, Aoyama L, Brambila A, Reed PB, LaForgia M, Borer ET, et al. 2022. Nutrient addition drives declines in grassland species richness primarily via enhanced species loss. Journal of Ecology. Carroll O, Batzer E, Bharath S, Borer ET, Campana S, Esch E, Hautier Y, Ohlert T, Seabloom EW, Adler PB, et al. 2022. Nutrient identity modifies the destabilising effects of eutrophication in grasslands. Ecology Letters. 25(4):754-765. Chen Q, Wang S, Seabloom EW, MacDougall AS, Borer ET, Bakker JD, Donohue I, Knops JMH, Morgan JW, Carroll O, et al. 2022. Nutrients and herbivores impact grassland stability across spatial scales through different pathways. Global Change Biology. 28(8):2678-2688. Momesso L, Crusciol CAC, Cantarella H, Tanaka KS, Kowalchuk GA, Kuramae EE. 2022. Optimizing cover crop and fertilizer timing for high maize yield and nitrogen cycle control. Geoderma. 405:1-13. Costa OYA, de Hollander M, Kuramae EE, Bodelier PLE. 2022. PhyloFunDB: A Pipeline to Create and Update Functional Gene Taxonomic Databases. Microorganisms. 10(6):Article 1093. Angulo V, Beriot N, Garcia‐hernandez E, Li E, Masteling R, Lau JA. 2022. Plant–microbe eco‐evolutionary dynamics in a changing world. New Phytologist. 234(6):1919-1928. Su L, Feng H, Mo X, Sun J, Qiu P, Liu Y, Zhang R, Kuramae EE, Shen B, Shen Q. 2022. Potassium phosphite enhanced the suppressive capacity of the soil microbiome against the tomato pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 58(5):553-563. Su L, Qiu P, Fang Z, Mo X, Sun J, Liu Y, Kuramae E, Zhang R, Shen B, Shen Q. 2022. Potassium phosphite enhances the antagonistic capability of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens to manage tomato bacterial wilt. Plant Disease. 106(2):654-660. Amacker N, Gao Z, Hu J, Jousset ALC, Kowalchuk GA, Geisen S. 2022. Protist feeding patterns and growth rate are related to their predatory impacts on soil bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 98(6):1-11. Li M, Pommier T, Yin Y, Cao W, Zhang X, Hu J, Hautier Y, Yang T, Xu Y, Shen Q, et al. 2022. Resource availability drives bacteria community resistance to pathogen invasion via altering bacterial pairwise interactions. Environmental Microbiology. 24(12):5680-5689. Rotoni C, Leite MFA, Pijl A, Kuramae EE. 2022. Rhizosphere microbiome response to host genetic variability: A trade-off between bacterial and fungal community assembly. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 98(6):Article fiac061. De Plaatsen K, Soons M, van Dijk J. 2022. Samen werken aan ons voedselsysteem van morgen. De Plaatsen. 5 p. Seelen LMS, Teurlincx S, Armstrong MR, Lürling M, van Donk E, de Senerpont Domis LN. 2022. Serving many masters at once: a framework for assessing ecosystem services delivered by quarry lakes. Inland Waters. 12(1):121-137. Shen Z, Thomashow LS, Ou Y, Tao C, Wang J, Xiong W, Liu H, Li R, Shen Q, Kowalchuk GA. 2022. Shared Core Microbiome and Functionality of Key Taxa Suppressive to Banana Fusarium Wilt. Research. 2022:1-15. Zhang Z, Hautier Y, Bao T, Yang J, Qing H, Liu Z, Wang M, Li T, Yan M, Zhang G. 2022. Species richness and asynchrony maintain the stability of primary productivity against seasonal climatic variability. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:1-12. Sarneel JM, Hefting MM, Visser EJW, Díaz‐Sierra R, Voesenek LACJ, Kowalchuk GA. 2022. Species traits interact with stress level to determine intraspecific facilitation and competition. Journal of Vegetation Science. 33(5):Article e13145. Yang S, Poorter L, Kuramae EE, Sass-Klaassen U, Leite MFA, Costa OYA, Kowalchuk GA, Cornelissen JHC, van Hal J, Goudzwaard L, et al. 2022. Stem traits, compartments and tree species affect fungal communities on decaying wood. Environmental Microbiology. 24(8):3625-3639. Yang S, Sterck FJ, Sass-Klaassen U, Cornelissen JHC, van Logtestijn RSP, Hefting M, Goudzwaard L, Zuo J, Poorter L. 2022. Stem Trait Spectra Underpin Multiple Functions of Temperate Tree Species. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:Article 769551. Zanne AE, Flores-Moreno H, Powell JR, Cornwell WK, Dalling JW, Austin AT, Classen AT, Eggleton P, Okada K-I, Parr CL, et al. 2022. Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. Science (New York, N.Y.). 377(6613):1440-1444. Quaresma A, Zartman CE, Piedade MTF, Wittmann F, Jardim MAG, Irume MV, Benavides AM, Freitas L, Toledo JJ, Boelter CR, et al. 2022. The Amazon Epiphyte Network: A First Glimpse Into Continental-Scale Patterns of Amazonian Vascular Epiphyte Assemblages. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 5:Article 828759. Kawa D, Thiombiano B, Shimels M, Taylor T, Walmsley A, Vahldick H, Leite M, Musa Z, Bucksch A, Dini-andreote F, et al. 2022. The soil microbiome reduces Striga infection of sorghum by modulation of host-derived signaling molecules and root development. bioRxiv. pp. 1-43. Laanbroek HJ, Cassman NA, Keijzer RM, Kuramae EE. 2022. The Stochastic Assembly of Nitrobacter winogradskyi-Selected Microbiomes with Heterotrophs from Sewage Sludge or Grassland Soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 88(17):Article e0078322. Momesso L, Crusciol CAC, Bossolani JW, Moretti LG, Leite MFA, Kowalchuk GA, Kuramae EE. 2022. Toward more sustainable tropical agriculture with cover crops: Soil microbiome responses to nitrogen management. Soil and Tillage Research. 224:Article 105507. Wu A, Zhou G, He H, Hautier Y, Tang X, Liu J, Zhang Q, Wang S, Wang A, Lin L, et al. 2022. Tree diversity depending on environmental gradients promotes biomass stability via species asynchrony in China's forest ecosystems. Ecological Indicators. 140:1-10. Hang X, Meng L, Ou Y, Shao C, Xiong W, Zhang N, Liu H, Li R, Shen Q, Kowalchuk GA. 2022. Trichoderma-amended biofertilizer stimulates soil resident Aspergillus population for joint plant growth promotion. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 8(1):1-7. Guo S, Tao C, Jousset A, Xiong W, Wang Z, Shen Z, Wang B, Xu Z, Gao Z, Liu S, et al. 2022. Trophic interactions between predatory protists and pathogen-suppressive bacteria impact plant health. ISME Journal. 16(8):1932-1943. Wang Y, Du J, Pang Z, Liu Y, Xue K, Hautier Y, Zhang B, Tang L, Jiang L, Ji B, et al. 2022. Unimodal productivity-biodiversity relationship along the gradient of multidimensional resources across Chinese grasslands. National Science Review. 9(12):1-14. Wang X, Teng Y, Ren W, Li Y, Yang T, Chen Y, Zhao L, Zhang H, Kuramae EE. 2022. Variations of Bacterial and Diazotrophic Community Assemblies throughout the Soil Profile in Distinct Paddy Soil Types and Their Contributions to Soil Functionality. mSystems. 7(2). Toledo VR, Alvarez RDCF, Kuramae EE, Hollander MD, Rossetto R, Loureiro EDS, Teodoro PE, Vazquez GH, Pinheiro JHPA, Tsai SM, et al. 2022. Vinasse and straw retention decrease fungal diversity and pathogenicity in sugarcane soil / Aplicação de vinhaça e retenção de palha diminuem a diversidade e patogenicidade de fungos em solo canavieiro. Brazilian Journal of Development. 8( 6):44839-44869. Sousa TR, Schietti J, Ribeiro IO, Emílio T, Fernández RH, ter Steege H, Castilho CV, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker T, Pontes-Lopes A, et al. 2022. Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 31(8):1571-1588.