2017 - Ecology and Biodiversity - Utrecht University Skip to main content
2017 Alsafran M, Sarneel JM, Alatalo J. 2017. Variation in Plant Litter Decomposition Rates across Extreme Dry Environments in Qatar. The Arab World Geographer. 20(252-260):252-261. Auffret AG, Rico Y, Bullock JM, Hooftman DAP, Pakeman RJ, Soons MB, Suárez-Esteban A, Traveset A, Wagner HH, Cousins SAO. 2017. Plant functional connectivity – integrating landscape structure and effective dispersal. Journal of Ecology. 105(6):1648-1656. Braaker S, Obrist MK, Ghazoul J, Moretti M. 2017. Habitat connectivity and local conditions shape taxonomic and functional diversity of arthropods on green roofs. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86(3):521-531. Daebeler A, Bodelier PLE, Hefting MM, Rütting T, Laanbroek HJ. 2017. Soil warming and fertilization altered rates of nitrogen transformation processes and selected for adapted ammonia-oxidizing archaea in sub-arctic grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 107:114-124. Dassen S, Cortois R, Martens H, de Hollander M, Kowalchuk GA, van der Putten WH, De Deyn GB. 2017. Differential responses of soil bacteria, fungi, archaea and protists to plant species richness and plant functional group identity. Molecular Ecology. 26(15):4085-4098. de Jager M, Weissing FJ, van de Koppel J. 2017. Why mussels stick together: spatial self-organization affects the evolution of cooperation. Evolutionary Ecology. 31(4):547-558. Fraaije RGA, Moinier S, Van Gogh I, Timmers R, Van Deelen JJ, Verhoeven J, Soons MB. 2017. Spatial patterns of water-dispersed seed deposition along stream riparian gradients. PLoS One. 12(9):Article e0185247. Frenken T, Alacid E, Berger SA, Bourne EC, Gerphagnon M, Grossart H-P, Gsell AS, Ibelings BW, Kagami M, Küpper FC, Letcher PM, Loyau A, Miki T, Nejstgaard JC, Rasconi S, Reñé A, Rohrlack T, Rojas-Jimenez K, Schmeller DS, Scholz B, Seto K, Sime-Ngando T, Sukenik A, Van de Waal DB, Van den Wyngaert S, Van Donk E, Wolinska J, Wurzbacher C, Agha R. 2017. Integrating chytrid fungal parasites into plankton ecology: research gaps and needs. Environmental Microbiology. 19(10):3802-3822. Frenken T, Wierenga J, Gsell AS, van Donk E, Rohrlack T, Van de Waal DB. 2017. Changes in N:P supply ratios affect the ecological stoichiometry of a toxic cyanobacterium and its fungal parasite. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8(JUN):Article 1015. Garssen AG, Baattrup-Pedersen A, Riis T, Raven BM, Hoffman CC, Verhoeven J, Soons MB. 2017. Effects of increased flooding on riparian vegetation: Field experiments simulating climate change along five European lowland streams. Global Change Biology. 23(8):3052-3063. Geisen S, Mitchell EAD, Wilkinson DM, Adl S, Bonkowski M, Brown MW, Fiore-Donno AM, Heger TJ, Jassey VEJ, Krashevska V, Lahr DJG, Marcisz K, Mulot M, Payne R, Singer D, Anderson OR, Charman DJ, Ekelund F, Griffiths BS, Rønn R, Smirnov A, Bass D, Belbahri L, Berney C, Blandenier Q, Chatzinotas A, Clarholm M, Dunthorn M, Feest A, Fernández LD, Foissner W, Fournier B, Gentekaki E, Hájek M, Helder J, Jousset A, Koller R, Kumar S, La Terza A, Lamentowicz M, Mazei Y, Santos SS, Seppey CVW, Spiegel FW, Walochnik J, Winding A, Lara E. 2017. Soil protistology rebooted: 30 fundamental questions to start with. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Ghazoul J, Chazdon R. 2017. Degradation and Recovery in Changing Forest Landscapes: A Multiscale Conceptual Framework. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 42:161-188. Gilioli G, Schrader G, Carlsson N, van Donk E, van Leeuwen CHA, Martín PR, Pasquali S, Vilà M, Vos S. 2017. Environmental risk assessment for invasive alien species: A case study of apple snails affecting ecosystem services in Europe. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 65:1-11. Grutters BMC, Saccomanno B, Gross EM, Van de Waal DB, van Donk E, Bakker ES. 2017. Growth strategy, phylogeny and stoichiometry determine the allelopathic potential of native and non-native plants. Oikos. 126(12):1770–1779. Grutters BMC, Gross EM, van Donk E, Bakker ES. 2017. Periphyton density is similar on native and non-native plant species. Freshwater Biology. 62(5):906-915. Gu Y, Hou Y, Huang D, Hao Z, Wang X, Wei Z, Jousset A, Tan S, Xu D, Shen Q, Xu Y, Friman VP. 2017. Application of biochar reduces Ralstonia solanacearum infection via effects on pathogen chemotaxis, swarming motility, and root exudate adsorption. Plant and Soil. 415(1-2):269-281. Harpole WS, Sullivan LL, Lind EM, Firn J, Adler PB, Borer ET, Chase J, Fay Jennifer Firn PA, Hautier Y, Hillebrand H, MacDougall AS, Seabloom EW, Bakker JD, Cadotte MW, Chaneton EJ, Chu C, Hagenah N, Kirkman K, La Pierre KJ, Moore JL, Morgan JW, Prober SM, Risch AC, Schuetz M, Stevens CJ. 2017. Out of the shadows: multiple nutrient limitations drive relationships among biomass, light and plant diversity. Functional Ecology. 31(9):1839-1846. Heijboer A, Ruess L, Traugott M, Jousset ALC, De Ruiter PC. 2017. Empirical methods of identifying and quantifying trophic interactions for constructing soil food web models. Moore JC, de Ruiter PC, McCann KS, Wolkers V, editors. In Adaptive food webs: stability, state transitions, and the adaptive capacity of ecosystems. Cambridge Univerity Press. pp. 257-286. Herberg ER, Sarneel JM. 2017. Recruitment of riparian plants after restoration of geomorphic complexity in northern Sweden. Applied Vegetation Science. 20(3):435-445. Hu J, Wei Z, Weidner S, Friman VP, Xu YC, Shen QR, Jousset A. 2017. Probiotic Pseudomonas communities enhance plant growth and nutrient assimilation via diversity-mediated ecosystem functioning. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 113:122-129. Ismail SA, Ghazoul J, Ravikanth G, Kushalappa CG, Uma Shaanker R, Kettle CJ. 2017. Evaluating realized seed dispersal across fragmented tropical landscapes: a two-fold approach using parentage analysis and the neighbourhood model. New Phytologist. 214(3):1307-1316. Jousset A, Bienhold C, Chatzinotas A, Gallien L, Gobet A, Kurm V, Küsel K, Rillig MC, Rivett DW, Salles JF, Van Der Heijden MGA, Youssef NH, Zhang X, Wei Z, Hol GWH. 2017. Where less may be more: How the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings. ISME Journal. 11(4):853-862. Kleyheeg E, van Dijk JGB, Tsopoglou-Gkina D, Woud TY, Boonstra DK, Nolet BA, Soons MB. 2017. Movement patterns of a keystone waterbird species are highly predictable from landscape configuration. Movement Ecology. 5(1):Article 2. Kleyheeg E, Treep J, de Jager M, Nolet BA, Soons MB. 2017. Seed dispersal distributions resulting from landscape-dependent daily movement behaviour of a key vector species, Anas platyrhynchos. Journal of Ecology. 105(5):1279-1289. Kowalchuk GA, Bailey MJ. 2017. ISMEJ turns 10: tracking rapid progress in microbial ecology. The ISME Journal. 11(5):1059-1060. Mander Ü, Tournebize J, Tonderski K, Verhoeven J, Mitsch WJ. 2017. Planning and establishment principles for constructed wetlands and riparian buffer zones in agricultural catchments. Ecological Engineering. 103:296-300. Nesper M, Kueffer C, Krishnan S, Kushalappa CG, Ghazoul J. 2017. Shade tree diversity enhances coffee production and quality in agroforestry systems in the Western Ghats. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 247:172-181. Pos E, Guevara Andino JE, Sabatier D, Molino J-F, Pitman N, Mogollón H, Neill D, Cerón C, Rivas-Torres G, Di Fiore A, Thomas R, Tirado M, Young KR, Wang O, Sierra R, García-Villacorta R, Zagt R, Palacios Cuenca W, Aulestia M, Ter Steege H. 2017. Estimating and interpreting migration of Amazonian forests using spatially implicit and semi-explicit neutral models. Ecology and Evolution. 7(12):4254-4265. Ravanbakhsh M, Sasidharan R, Voesenek L, Kowalchuk G, Jousset A. 2017. ACC deaminase-producing rhizosphere bacteria modulate plant responses to flooding. Journal of Ecology. 105(4):979-986. Robroek BJM, Jassey VEJ, Beltman B, Hefting M. 2017. Diverse fen plant communities enhance carbon-related multifunctionality, but do not mitigate negative effects of drought. Royal Society Open Science. 4(10):Article 170449. Sarneel JMJ, Veen GFC. 2017. Legacy effects of altered flooding regimes on decomposition in a boreal floodplain. Plant and Soil (online). 421(1-2):57-66. Seabloom EW, Kinkel L, Borer ET, Hautier Y, Montgomery RA, Tilman D. 2017. Food webs obscure the strength of plant diversity effects on primary productivity. Ecology Letters. 20(4):505–512. Soons MB, de Groot GA, Cuesta Ramirez MT, Fraaije RGA, Verhoeven J, de Jager M. 2017. Directed dispersal by an abiotic vector: wetland plants disperse their seeds selectively to suitable sites along the hydrological gradient via water. Functional Ecology. 31(2):499-508. Soons MB, Hefting MM, Dorland E, Lamers LPM, Versteeg C, Bobbink R. 2017. Nitrogen effects on plant species richness in herbaceous communities are more widespread and stronger than those of phosphorus. Biological Conservation. 212:390-397. Stas SM, Rutishauser E, Chave J, Anten NPR, Laumonier Y. 2017. Estimating the aboveground biomass in an old secondary forest on limestone in the Moluccas, Indonesia: Comparing locally developed versus existing allometric models. Forest Ecology and Management. 389:27-34. 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