PhD candidates
This is an overview of current PhD students at the Mathematical Institute.
Max Blans
Supervisors: Ieke Moerdijk and Gijs Heuts
Fernando Chu
Supervisor: Paige North
Mar Curco Iranzo
Supervisors: Gunther Cornelissen and Valentijn Karemaker
Research: Conjectures on Jacobians of modular curves
Dusan Dragutinovic
Supervisors: Carel Faber and Valentijn Karemaker
Anouk Eggink
Supervisors: Gunther Cornelissen and Valentijn Karemaker
Research: Drinfeld Modules
Patrick Finke
Supervisors: Sjoerd Dirksen and Palina Salanevich
Research: mathematical foundations of machine learning
Anna Fokma
Supervisors: Marius Crainic and Álvaro del Pino Gómez
Research: New flavors and applications of Gromov's convex integration
Aaron Gootjes-Dreesbach
Supervisors: Marius Crainic and Álvaro del Pino Gómez
Research: Non-local differential relations
Yann Guggisberg
Supervisor: Fabian Ziltener and Marius Crainic
Sven Holtrop
Supervisors: Marius Crainic and Hessel Bouke Posthuma (UvA)
Jochem Hoogendijk
Supervisors: Jason Frank and Ivan Kryven
Research: Random graphs and PDEs
Zhipeng Huang
Supervisors: Kees Oosterlee and Lech Grzelak
Research: Numerical solution of Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Control Problems
Katharina Klein
Supervisors: Sjoerd Dirksen and Jason Frank
Research: Improving probabilistic wind speed forecasts with deep learning
Mireia Martinez i Sellares
Supervisors: Gunther Cornelissen and Viktor Blasjo
Research: The history of 19th century geometry
Boaz Moerman
Supervisors: Carel Faber and Marta Pieropan
Research: Campana points on toric varieties
Sven van Nigtevecht
Supervisors: Ieke Moerdijk and Lennart Meier
Research: Brauer groups of ring spectra
Jaime Pedregal Pastor
Supervisors: Gil Cavalcanti and Marius Crainic
Research: Holonomy of metric connections with skew-symmetric torsion
Leonardo Perotti
Supervisors: Lech Grzelak and Kees Oosterlee
Research: On prepayment risk assessment in a mortgage portfolio
Ryan Quinn
Supervisors: Ieke Moerdijk and Lennart Meier
Research: Equivariant cohomology
Jaco Ruit
Supervisors: Ieke Moerdijk and Lennart Meier
Research: Equivariant homotopy theory and higher category theory
Slade Sanderson
Supervisors: Karma Dajani and Mikhail Hlushchanka
Research: Constructing lattice surfaces, matching and new continued fraction algorithms
Olov Schavemaker
Supervisors: Sjoerd Dirksen and Palina Salanevich
Research: neural networks
Reinier Schmiermann
Supervisors: Carel Faber and Martijn Kool
Research: Donaldson-Thomas Invariants of Calabi-Yau 4 Quivers
Justin Uhlemann
Supervisors: Carel Faber and Marta Pieropan
Research: Counting Campana points of bounded height on Fano varieties
Weisheng Wang
Supervisors: Carel Faber and Martijn Kool
Hsin-Yi Yang
Supervisors: Gunther Cornelissen and Valentijn Karemaker
Thomas van der Zwaard
Supervisors: Kees Oosterlee and Lech Grzelak
Research: Improved Modelling and Numerical Methods for Valuation Adjustments, in the context of Financial Risk Management