Chiheb Ben Hammouda Stochastic Processes/Differential Equations, Numerical analysis, Mathematical modelling, Stochastic optimal control, Modeling and numerics for power systems and energy markets, Computational Finance, Computational Biology, Machine learning.
Viktor Blåsjö History of mathematics, especially in the early modern period.
Guy Boyde Unstable homotopy theory, Goodwillie calculus, homology stability of algebras.
Christian Carrick Algebraic Topology, equivariant homotopy, chromatic homotopy.
Gil Cavalcanti Differential geometry and differential topology of symplectic, complex and generalized complex manifolds as well as their applications to string theory.
Johan Commelin Formalization of mathematics, arithmetic geometry, o-minimal geometry, categorical logic, type theory.
Gunther Cornelissen Arithmetic Geometry (and connections with logic, number theory and mathematical physics).
Marius Crainic Differential geometry (Poisson and symplectic geometry, Lie theory, geometry of PDE's) and noncommutative geometry (cyclic cohomology, K-theory, index theory).
Daniel Dadush Discrete & Continuous Optimization, High Dimensional Probability, Convex Geometry, Polyhedral Combinatorics, Beyond-Worst Case Analysis, Exact & Approximation Algorithms, Integer & Linear Programming, Discrepancy Theory.
Karma Dajani Ergodic theory and its application to other fields such as number theory, probability theory and symbolic dynamics.
Fieke Dekkers Modelling of long term health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation.
Sjoerd Dirksen High-dimensional probability theory, mathematical signal processing, compressed sensing, dimensionality reduction methods, probability in Banach space.
Remy van Dobben de Bruyn Algebraic geometry in positive and mixed characteristic, Chow motives, intersection theory, étale cohomology, and étale homotopy.
Carel Faber Algebraic geometry (moduli spaces of curves and of abelian varieties, tautological classes, Siegel and Teichmüller modular forms and their relation to the cohomology of moduli spaces, linear orbits of plane curves)
Jason Frank Numerical analysis of ordinary and partial differential equations, geometric numerical integration, mathematical modelling and dynamical systems.
Gijs Heuts Algebraic topology, specifically Goodwillie calculus, chromatic homotopy theory, higher category theory and operads.
Valentijn Karemaker Arithmetic geometry and number theory (rational points on, zeta functions of, and Galois representations attached to algebraic varieties).
Artem Kaznatcheev Mathematical Biology (evolutionary dynamics of cancer; evolutionary game theory; fitness landscapes) and Theoretical Computer Science (computational complexity; constraint satisfaction; local search).
Willemien Kets Game theory, mathematical economics, complex systems.
Martijn Kool Algebraic geometry. Moduli spaces of sheaves on toric varieties. Stable pair invariants and their connections with enumerative geometry.
Peter Koymans Arithmetic statistics, analytic number theory, algebraic number theory.
Ivan Kryven Mathematical Modeling, Complex Networks, Random Graphs, Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Chemistry.
Josefien Kuijper Homotopical methods in algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory.
Tristan van Leeuwen Scientific computing, inverse problems, image reconstruction, computed tomography and PDE-constrained optimization.
Tobias Lenz Algebraic topology, in particular: equivariant and global homotopy theory, algebraic K-theory, (parameterized) higher category theory and model category theory.
Sara Mehidi Algebraic geometry and logarithmic geometry and their applications to arithmetics.
Lennart Meier Algebraic topology, moduli of elliptic curves, (topological) modular forms.
Ieke Moerdijk Algebraic topology, applications of topology to mathematical logic.
Bálint Négyesi Backward stochastic differential equations (BSDE), stochastic control, numerical analysis, scientific computing (machine learning, Monte Carlo and Fourier methods), mathematical finance, computational finance.
Paige Randall North Category theory, homotopy theory, higher category theory, logic, homotopy type theory, and connections of those subjects with computer science and engineering.
Jaap van Oosten Logic; realizability, proof theory, topos theory, models of computability.
Kees Oosterlee Computational finance, quantitative risk management, backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs), numerical approximation of conditional expectations, Monte Carlo simulation, machine learning in finance, decision making under uncertainty.
Ozan Özdemir Financial Econometrics, Time series analysis, Volatility forecasting.
Jaime Pedregal Pastor Differential geometry: special holonomy and holonomy with skew-symmetric torsion, generalized geometry and applications to physics.
Marta Pieropan Arithmetic geometry (connections with birational geometry, analytic number theory and logic); Diophantine geometry of Fano and rationally connected varieties.
Álvaro del Pino Gomez Differential topology and geometry, particularly questions regarding the homotopy type of spaces of geometric structures. Mostly h-principle techniques in the context of spaces of tangent distributions (contact structures, Engel structures, foliations with symplectic/contact leafwise structures).
Wioletta Ruszel Probability, interacting particle systems and critical phenomena, self-organized criticality and sandpile models, random interface models, scaling limits.
Palina Salanevich Applied harmonic analysis and time-frequency analysis, with applications in signal processing problems, such as phase retrieval and quantization; high-dimensional probability theory; signal processing on graphs.
Cristian Spitoni Statistical mechanics (metastability for lattice spin systems with serial or parallel dynamics); statistics (semi-Markov multi-state models; prediction error for multi-state models); infectious disease epidemiology.
Vignesh Subramanian Homotopical (higher) algebra, Equivariant Homotopy theory and Unstable homotopy theory.
Niall Taggart Algebraic topology, specifically functor calculus, stable and equivariant homotopy theory, model categories and higher category theory.
Lola Thompson Analytic number theory, and its applications to spectral geometry.
Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel Perturbation theory for transfer operators, nonlinear dynamics (medical applications)
Steven Wepster History of Mathematics; special interest in the Dutch Golden Age, and in links with astronomy and navigation.
Michał Wrochna Mathematical physics, analysis and differential geometry: microlocal and asymptotic analysis, partial differential equations, spectral theory.
Paul Zegeling Scientific Computing, Numerical Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Adaptive Grid Techniques.
Erik van den Ban Lie groups, symmetric spaces, harmonic analysis, representation theory, Radon transforms, differential geometry.
Erik Balder Convex analysis and measure theory (in particular variational convergence); game theory and mathematical economics (in particular existence of equilibria).
Frits Beukers Number theory (in particular diophantine matters), Arithmetic and monodromy of linear differential equations, hypergeometric functions.
Rob Bisseling Scientific computing, parallel algorithms, sparse matrix computations, bioinformatics.
Odo Diekmann Mathematical Population Dynamics and Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases; Dynamical Systems, in particular those generated by Delay Equations.
Johan A.C. Kolk Distribution theory and harmonic analysis on Lie groups.
Yuri Kuznetsov Dynamical systems (theory, numerical methods, applications).
Johan van de Leur Lie Theory, Integrable Systems, Mathematical Physics.
Eduard Looijenga Algebraic geometry (emphasis on Moduli) and also: Hypergeometric Functions, Mapping class groups, Conformal Blocks.
Frans Oort Algebraic geometry, arithmetic algebraic geometry, moduli of abelian varieties in positive characteristic.
Thijs Ruijgrok Dynamical systems, evolutionary game theory.
Dirk Siersma Geometry and Topology (in particular Singularity Theory).
Gerard Sleijpen Scientific computing (in particular numerical linear algebra).
Jan Stienstra Hypergeometric systems; Calabi-Yau and toric varieties; Frobenius operators in various contexts; quivers and dimers; connections with string theory.