Without a doubt, yellow is our most distinctive colour. It is the key driver of our visual profile. Our primary colour scheme further consists of the other colours of our logo: red, black and white. We use red in moderation, it mostly has the function of an accent colour.
PMS 116C / CMYK 0/15/100/0 / RGB 255/205/0
HEX #FFCD00 / Sikkens F6.55.75 / RAL 1021
CMYK 20/0/0/100
RGB 0/0/0
HEX #000000
RAL 9005
CMYK 0/0/0/0
RGB 255/255/255
RAL 9003
PMS 199C
CMYK 0/100/80/0
RGB 192/10/53
HEX #C00A35
Sikkens C4.60.40
RAL 3020
Secondary colour scheme
If the use of the four basic colours is insufficient for usage in tables, data visualisations, illustrations or infographics, the secondary colour scheme can be used. These colours are well suited for combinations with our primary colours. Divisions of the university cannot ‘appropriate’ a secondary colour to use as their standard. The primary colour scheme remains the basis. These colours are not meant to be used for text or text boxes, outside of infographics and such. Please scroll down for the specifications.
Faculty colours
We are working on one strong brand, Utrecht University. To bring our communication more in line, the faculty colours have been discarded. Organisational units of the university cannot claim a secondary colour. The primary colour palette remains the basis. Scroll down for the specifications.
CMYK 0/10/40/0
RGB 250/230/171
PMS 7401
CMYK 0/50/65/0
RGB 243/150/94
HEX #F3965E
PMS 1565
CMYK 30/100/40/10
RGB 170/21/85
HEX #AA1555
PMS 215
CMYK 35/70/80/50
RGB 110/59/35
HEX #6E3B23
PMS 478
CMYK 75/8/50/0
RGB 36/167/147
HEX #24A793
PMS 7473
CMYK 70/40/0/0
RGB 82/135/198
HEX #5287C6
PMS 7682
Dark blue
CMYK 100/80/0/70
RGB 0/18/64
HEX #001240
PMS 2768
CMYK 80/100/0/0
RGB 91/33/130
HEX #5B2182
PMS 268