A new pay-off

The title of our Strategic Plan 2021-2025 is 'Open mind, open attitude, open science'. Openness is in the DNA of our institution. The pay-off Bright minds, better future no longer reflects this.

The new pay-off is based on our mission and the principles of the Strategic Plan. For this plan, extensive input was collected within the organisation. The pay-off is a communicative implementation of this plan. In addition to a new pay-off, we have also revised our positioning and corporate story.

What is a pay-off?

A pay-off is a name used for the sentence placed after or next to a brand name or an organisation to briefly and concisely communicate what the brand or organisation stands for. This is used to add feeling or association to a brand name or organisation.

Our new pay-off is Sharing science, shaping tomorrow.

De nieuwe pay-off van Universiteit Utrecht: Sharing Science, shaping tomorrow
Our new pay-off

Sharing science, shaping tomorrow is not something we do alone. Together with students, teachers, employees and partners from within the Netherlands and abroad, we work on a better future.

The story behind our pay-off

Guidelines for the use of the pay-off

These guidelines may still be adjusted in the coming months.

pay-off, guidelines
pay-off guidelines
pay-off guidelines
pay-off guidelines
pay-off guidelines

A modified logo

In addition to the new pay-off, we are also introducing a modified logo. We have improved the readability of the logo by making the words 'University' and 'Utrecht' larger and placing them underneath each other. More information about the logo can be found here.

With the introduction of the new pay-off, communication with 'Bright minds, better future' is no longer possible. It is requested that the old pay-off be removed where possible and that it no longer be used for communication. We are aware that the old pay-off is used in several places that cannot simply be removed. There is currently no hard deadline for removal. Do use 'Sharing science, shaping tomorrow' for new means of communication. If you have any questions, please contact the Brand team.