Cases Successful Public Governance

As part of the Successful Public Administration programme, a wide variety of stories on successful governance practices have been collected. Below, we present a collection of case studies that can serve as inspiration or be utilised within education. Below we present the cases that have been published in Guardians of public valueSuccessful public policy, or Great policy successes the cases are sorted by policy domain and by country.

An interview about the successes of Staatsbosbeheer with Sylvo Thijsen. In 2013 Staatsbosbeheer was on the eve of major cutbacks. In this video Sylvo reflects on how he managed to use this process to make the organisation thrive.

Policy cases by sector:

Policy cases by country:


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No694266).