Cases Successful Public Governance
As part of the Successful Public Administration programme, a wide variety of stories on successful governance practices have been collected. Below, we present a collection of case studies that can serve as inspiration or be utilised within education. Below we present the cases that have been published in Guardians of public value, Successful public policy, or Great policy successes the cases are sorted by policy domain and by country.
An interview about the successes of Staatsbosbeheer with Sylvo Thijsen. In 2013 Staatsbosbeheer was on the eve of major cutbacks. In this video Sylvo reflects on how he managed to use this process to make the organisation thrive.
Collaborative success cases
Specific teaching cases:
- Evaluating regulatory success: the case of the Dutch Gambling Authority – Judith van Erp
- Successful labor market inclusion of disabled people – Lieske van der Torre
Links for further exploration:
Policy cases by sector:
- Responding to HIV/AIDS: Mobilisation through partnerships in a public health crisis – Lisa Fitzgerald and Allyson Mutch, with Lisa Herron
- Medicare: The making and consolidation of an Australian institution – Anne-marie Boxall
- Thinking outside the box: Tobacco plain packaging and the demise of smoking – Becky Freeman
- New Zealand’s universal no-fault accident compensation scheme: Embedding community responsibility – Grant Duncan
- The Remarkable Healthcare Performance in Singapore – M. Ramesh and Azad Singh Bali
- The Transformation of UK Tobacco Control – Paul Cairney
- Cutting the Wait—at Least for a While – Adrian Kay
- The Child Support Scheme: What innovative collaboration can achieve – Meredith Edwards
- Thinking outside the box: Tobacco plain packaging and the demise of smoking – Becky Freeman
- Germany’s Labour Market Policies – Florian Spohr
- Stories of a Mission Mystique: The Success of The Salvation Army – Petra Ophoff
- The Fiscal Responsibility Act 1994: How a nonbinding policy instrument proved highly powerful – Derek Gill
- KiwiSaver: A jewel in the crown of New Zealand’s retirement income framework? – Kirsten MacDonald and Ross Gues
- The ‘Social Warfare State’ – Mallory E. Compton
- Treaty of Waitangi settlements: Successful symbolic reparation – Janine Hayward
- Whānau Ora: An Indigenous policy success story – Verna Smith, Charlotte Moore, Jacqueline Cumming and Amohia Boulton
- The 53-billion-dollar question: Was Australia’s 2009–2010 fiscal stimulus a good thing? – Alan Fenna and Paul ‘t Hart
- National competition policy: Effective stewardship of markets – Alan Fenna
- The Goods and Services Tax (GST): The public value of a contested reform – Binh Tran-Nam
- Avoiding the Global Financial Crisis in Australia: A policy success? – Stephen Bell and Andrew Hindmoor
- New Zealand’s economic turnaround: How public policy innovation catalysed economic growth – Michael Mintrom and Madeline Thomas
- The Norwegian Petroleum Fund as Institutionalized Self-Restraint – Camilla Bakken Øvald, Bent Sofus Tranøy, and Ketil Raknes
- ‘Marvellous Melbourne’: Making the world’s most liveable city – Emma Blomkamp and Jenny M. Lewis
- The ‘perfect storm’ of gun control: From policy inertia to world leader – Philip Alpers and Zareh Ghazarian
- The Higher Education Contribution Scheme: Keeping tertiary education affordable and accessible – Timothy Higgins
- The Finnish Comprehensive School – Jaakko Kauko
- Early childhood education policy pathways: A learning story – Sandy Farquhar and Andrew Gibbons
- The Australian water markets story: Incremental transformation – James Horne and R. Quentin Grafton
- The Dutch Delta Approach – Arwin van Buuren
- Nuclear-free New Zealand: Contingency, contestation and consensus in public policymaking – David Capie
- Healing the Ozone Layer – Frederike Albrecht and Charles F. Parker
- Infrastructure Partnership Success in Southern California – Richard F. Callahan
- The Copenhagen Metropolitan ‘Finger Plan’ – Eva Sørensen and Jacob Torfing
Policy cases by country:
- Responding to HIV/AIDS: Mobilisation through partnerships in a public health crisis – Lisa Fitzgerald and Allyson Mutch, with Lisa Herron
- The Higher Education Contribution Scheme: Keeping tertiary education affordable and accessible – Timothy Higgins
- The 53-billion-dollar question: Was Australia’s 2009–2010 fiscal stimulus a good thing? – Alan Fenna and Paul ‘t Hart
- ‘Marvellous Melbourne’: Making the world’s most liveable city – Emma Blomkamp and Jenny M. Lewis
- The Child Support Scheme: What innovative collaboration can achieve – Meredith Edwards
- The Australian water markets story: Incremental transformation – James Horne and R. Quentin Grafton
- National competition policy: Effective stewardship of markets – Alan Fenna
- The ‘perfect storm’ of gun control: From policy inertia to world leader – Philip Alpers and Zareh Ghazarian
- The Goods and Services Tax (GST): The public value of a contested reform – Binh Tran-Nam
- Medicare: The making and consolidation of an Australian institution – Anne-marie Boxall
- Avoiding the Global Financial Crisis in Australia: A policy success? – Stephen Bell and Andrew Hindmoor
- Thinking outside the box: Tobacco plain packaging and the demise of smoking – Becky Freeman
- 2 Brazil’s Bolsa Família Programme – Luis Henrique Paiva, Tereza Cristina Cotta, and Armando Barrientos
- The Copenhagen Metropolitan ‘Finger Plan’ – Eva Sørensen and Jacob Torfing
- Estonia’s Digital Transformation – Rainer Kattel and Ines Mergel
The Finnish Comprehensive School – Jaakko Kauko
- Germany’s Labour Market Policies – Florian Spohr
- The Dutch Delta Approach – Arwin van Buuren
- Stories of a Mission Mystique: The Success of The Salvation Army – Petra Ophoff
- New Zealand’s universal no-fault accident compensation scheme: Embedding community responsibility – Grant Duncan
- New Zealand’s economic turnaround: How public policy innovation catalysed economic growth – Michael Mintrom and Madeline Thomas
- Nuclear-free New Zealand: Contingency, contestation and consensus in public policymaking – David Capie
- Treaty of Waitangi settlements: Successful symbolic reparation – Janine Hayward
- The Fiscal Responsibility Act 1994: How a nonbinding policy instrument proved highly powerful – Derek Gill
- Early childhood education policy pathways: A learning story – Sandy Farquhar and Andrew Gibbons
- KiwiSaver: A jewel in the crown of New Zealand’s retirement income framework? – Kirsten MacDonald and Ross Guest
- Whānau Ora: An Indigenous policy success story – Verna Smith, Charlotte Moore, Jacqueline Cumming and Amohia Boulton
- The Norwegian Petroleum Fund as Institutionalized Self-Restraint – Camilla Bakken Øvald, Bent Sofus Tranøy, and Ketil Raknes
- The Remarkable Healthcare Performance in Singapore – M. Ramesh and Azad Singh Bali
- Cutting the Wait—at Least for a While – Adrian Kay
- The Transformation of UK Tobacco Control – Paul Cairney
- The ‘Social Warfare State’ – Mallory E. Compton
- Infrastructure Partnership Success in Southern California – Richard F. Callahan
- Healing the Ozone Layer – Frederike Albrecht and Charles F. Parker
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No694266).