Other Publications


't Hart, P. (2021). Op Zoek Naar Kwaliteit:  De Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid in Ontwikkeling.Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

Luetjens, J. C., & 't Hart, P. (2019). Governing by looking back: Learning from successes and failures. Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

Bray, J. R., Gray, M., & 't Hart, P. (2019). Evaluation and Learning From Failure and Success. Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

van der Torre, E. C., Douglas, S. C., & 't Hart, P. (2019). Werken aan Publieke Waarde: Leren van en voor Gemeenten. Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten.

De Jong, I., Van der Steen, M., & 't Hart, P. (2017). Wat het Nieuwe Kabinet Zich Moet Realiseren: Bestuurskundige Reflecties. Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur.

Essays and op-eds

't Hart, P. (2021). Welcome to the Titanic. Inside Storyhttps://insidestory.org.au/welcome-to-the-titanic/

Flinders, M. and 't Hart, P. (2021). Failure isn’t the only teacher. Journals must overcome negativity bias. Times Higher Education Supplement, 8 December. 

't Hart, P., & Selten, F. (2021). Mark Rutte’s crisisleiderschap: Laverend op zoek naar staatsmanschap. Stuk Rood Vlees.

't Hart, P., Bynander, F., Stern, E., Boin A., McConnell, A., MacPherson., R. (2020). Post-acute crisis series. Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

't Hart, P. (2020). Tussen hoop en vrees: besturen na Corona. Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur.

't Hart, P. (2020). Leading in a crisis. Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

't Hart, P., & Boin, A. (2020). Bij evaluatie van de coronacrisis gaat het om waarheidsvinding, niet om de schuldvraag. Trouw.

't Hart, P. (2020). Facing the conundrums of the corona crisis: Challenges to political leadership. International Leadership Association. 

't Hart, P., & Compton, M. E. (2019). Against negativism: what we can learn from great public policy successes. Centre for public impact.

't Hart, P., & Compton, M. E. (2019). Forget blunders – here’s what we can learn from great policy successes. Civil Service World.

't Hart, P., & Compton, M. E. (2019). Despite Brexit, there is still plenty to learn from government successes. Oxford University Press's Blog.

Luetjens, J., 't Hart, P. & Mintrom, M. (2019). What makes government policy successful? Integration and Implementation Sciences.

Luetjens, J., & Mintrom, M., 't Hart, P. (2019). From gun control to HIV: six ingredients of successful public policy. The Conversation.

Luetjens, J., 't Hart, P. & Mintrom, M. (2019). Getting it right when the time is right. Inside Story.

Beyens, S., & 't Hart, P. (2018). Leren van lerende organisaties. Platform Overheid.

't Hart, P. (2018). Cautionary tales from the birthplace of bureaucracy. Inside Story.

Van Erp, J. (2018). Judith van Erp: ‘Naming and shaming is een enge kracht’. Elsevier Weekblad.

Beyens, S. & 't Hart, P. (2017). Leren van bekeken worden. Platform O.

Conference Papers

Douglas, S. & Schiffelers, M, J. (2019, September). A little more conversation please: Identifying the mechanisms of collaborative performance summits. Paper preseetned at the 2019 EGPA Annual Conference, Belfast: United Kingdom.

Compton, C. & 't Hart, P. (2017, December). Dynamic Transformational Mechanisms in Policy Success and Failure. Paper presented at the GDN III Workshop, Florence, Italy.

Van der Torre, L. & Douglas, S. (2017, April). Discovering public value in local government: A framework for assessing and comparing labor participation policies for disabled people across different municipalities. Paper presented at the 21st Annual IRSPM Conference, Budapest, Hungary 


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No694266).