Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration

ESR 3.1 Fulfilled
Novel treatment of periprosthetic joint infection 
Prof. Harrie Weinans, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.2 Fulfilled
Convergence of biofabrication technologies for musculoskeletal regenerative medicine
Prof. Jos Malda, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.3 Fulfilled
Radiation free 3D imaging and early treatment of spinal disorders
Prof. R. M. Castelein, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.4 Fulfilled
Development of smart biomaterials for incorporation in biofabrication processes
Prof. Jos Malda, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.5 Fulfilled
Promoting and Directing Reossification in Spinal Metastases
Dr Catherine Robin, Hubrecht Institute

ESR 3.6 Fulfilled
Inflammation as a tool for regenerative bone formation (iBone)
Dr. J. Alblas, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.7 Fulfilled
Design of polymer based joint repair
René van Weeren, Harrie Weinans, Jos Malda

ESR 3.8 Fulfilled
Biomaterial-based drug delivery in intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration
Dr. Laura Creemers, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.9 Fulfilled
Translational Aspects in Vascularized Maxillofacial Bone Regeneration
Dr. Debby Gawlitta, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.10 Fulfilled
Deep Learning Imaging to Value and Supervise Osteoarthritis Progression 
Dr. Peter Seevinck, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.11 Fulfilled
Immunomodulatory coating development for orthopedic application
Dr Moyo Kruijt, UMC Utrecht

ESR 3.12 Fulfilled
Development of volumetric bioprinting processes for the rapid biofabrication of tissue engineered constructs
Dr Riccardo Levato, Prof Jos Malda, UMC Utrecht