Sharing self-made teaching materials outside the UU
As a lecturer or education support officer you decide whether you want to share your teaching material. If you decide to share, choose an open license. In this way you lay down what others are allowed to do with your work.
Copyright belonging to others & open educational resources
When you share your teaching material, you are responsible for observing copyright rules. First and foremost, only share your own copyrighted work.
Do you make use of the work of others in your shared teaching materials?
- Use work of others that is available under an open license or is part of the public domain. Give a full source reference.
- Preferably use hyperlinks. Insert a stable hyperlink to a picture or video, instead of the picture or video itself.
- Are you citing work of others? Ideally, cite from freely available work, so that others can always consult the used source.
- Is the work of others not openly available? Please make sure you have written permission from the copyright holder to share their material. Give a full source reference.
Open licenses & open educational resources
As a UU lecturer or education support officer you decide under which conditions you share your material. This is done by providing your work with a license. In this way you inform others what they can and cannot do with the material. Utrecht University advises you to share your teaching materials under the Creative Commons licenties CC-BY of CC-BY-SA.
Under these licenses you allow others to reuse your material, provided they always mention you as the original author.
These tips are guidelines. Are you in doubt or do you want more information? Please contact us.
Storing and sharing teaching materials
Utrecht University supports storing and sharing in the educational repository.