In the Netherlands and beyond, we face the same challenges: the societal role of veterinarians is changing, as is the nature and content of the profession, while we are dealing with a shortage of colleagues. What role can the sector play in facing these challenges? How can our faculty, as an institute for research and education contribute? And what new policies could drive positive change?
Recently, two major studies have been launched, under the auspices of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality: labour market research and a study into the positioning and quality assurance of the veterinary profession. Insights from these important studies will provide the basis for a dialogue late 2022 involving all stakeholders who hold part of the solution. Because we need one another, none of us can address these challenges alone. As veterinary faculty, we are keen to contribute to the dialogue and possible solutions. Together, we can make sure our wonderful profession remains future-proof and as relevant as it has been the past 200 years.
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