Anniversary book

200 Years of Veterinary Medicine in pictures and stories

To celebrate 200 Years of Veterinary Medicine, we are working on an anniversary book with an enthusiastic group of people. The book, to be published late June 2022, will contain a selection of photos and stories (in Dutch) about Veterinary Medicine. It will focus on the rich history, the multifaceted present and we will take a look into the exciting future!

In the stories we aim to show the diversity of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinarians, para-veterinarians, employees, students and other people involved speak from their diverse points of view. Some of the stories can be found on this website.

Book Launch

On 23 June we will present the Anniversary book 200 years of veterinary education at the faculty. Registration for the party and the book launch will open shortly. Do you want to be at the book launch? Then sign up via this link.

Ordering the book

A limited number of copies of the Anniversary book are still available. Have you not yet ordered the Anniversary book, but would like a copy? Then send an email to: The jubilee book is free of charge for staff and students, alumni and other interested parties can order the book for €19,- including postage.