The 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference

On July 8-10, 2019, the 17th International Open and User Innovation (OUI) Conference will be held at Utrecht University. The OUI is the leading academic conference on user innovation which has its starting point in the needs of users and, in some cases, is openly accessible to users, organisations and businesses. Around 150 researchers from various disciplines (such as innovation management, strategic management, organization design, marketing, intellectual property right management, entrepreneurship, and public policy) will meet in Utrecht, in order to exchange research findings, discuss current topics and new initiatives related to Open and User Innovation.

Key notes will be held by Carliss Y. Baldwin, Koen Frenken, Johann Füller, Sandro Kaulartz, Jason Potts, Christoph Stampfer and Huub Schellekens.

This event is supported by the Utrecht University School of Economics Research Institute the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable DevelopmentInstitutions for Open Societies, and Utrecht University Social Entrepreneurship Initiative.


You can find more information about the OUI conference 2019 (programme) on the website.

Contact & Expertise

Do you have any questions about the conference? Please contact Brita Schemmann.

Are you looking for expertise on Open and User Innovation at Utrecht University? Please contact:

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OUI Conference