Interdisciplinary research
Science will play a key role in the search for smart and sustainable solutions to social issues. At Utrecht University, we are committed to help solve pressing challenges that society faces today and tomorrow. One of our priorities is making societies more open and resilient. Such an extensive and complex mission requires an interdisciplinary approach to tackle it. Only by combining the expertise from various disciplines can we identify key issues, and try and offer the multidimensional answers that are needed in the face of the questions that surround societies today.
Multidimensional answers
Within Institutions for Open Societies (IOS), we have gathered excellent scholars from different disciplines ranging from economic and political to cultural and art history, from psychology to social geography and planning and from governance and law to digitalisation and AI.
We cannot do that alone. Innovation, new insights and social impact require cooperation between scientific disciplines as well as with societal and other partners. At IOS, we work intensively with other (societal) organisations, corporations, and institutes.