
By joining forces with external partners, we are able to gain valuable insights and strategic solutions for societal challenges

Samenwerkingspartners afdeling Orthopedagogiek: Psychosociale Problemen

In order to contribute to the future of open societies, Institutions for Open Societies (IOS) aims to build bridges between academia and society. To pursue our ambitions, we need to interact with society, work closely together with external partners and involve societal actors via outreach and public engagement. That is why we work intensively with other organizations, both non-academic and academic. 

Collaborations, consultancy and education

We do so by performing commissioned research for and together with several other parties, for example with Gemeente Utrecht (Municipality of Utrecht) in the ‘Weten wat werkt’ (‘What works’) project and in our Better Wellbeing Index research, in collaboration with Rabobank. Other ways of working together include consultancy and advice, like our Gender & Diversity researchers for example did by advising the Dutch government about the new legally binding women’s quota. Or in developing education with and for professionals, as IOS for example offers to policy makers in the ‘Leeratelier Gedrag & Bestuur’, in cooperation with the Netherlands School of Public Administration (NSOB). 

These collaborations result in innovation, knowledge and development, all aimed at contributing to the formation of open and sustainable societies. By joining forces, we are able to gain valuable insights and increase our impact on strengthening open societies around the globe. 

Interested in joining forces with IOS? Do not hesitate to contact us!