Angelos Krypotos

Angelos Krypotos
Dr. Angelos Krypotos

Angelos Krypotos is an assistant Professor in the department of Clinical Psychology at Utrecht University. His research focus is on the fundamental processes of avoidance and fear learning and the relation of those processes to psychopathology. He has also a strong interest in the combination of quantitative modeling and experimental psychopathology research.

Angelos has a research master degree from the University of Amsterdam. In 2015 he received his PhD from the same university, under the supervision of Prof. dr. Tom Beckers and Prof. dr. Merel Kindt. During his PhD studies he had also hold a 2-month visiting research fellow position at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) working together with Prof. dr. Peter Lovibond. He has received a number of awards including: two scholarships from the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, three best poster awards, as well as the prices for best article and best presentation from the PhD Research school for Experimental Psychopathology.

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