An i4CS seedfund grant has been awarded to design innovative public procurement instruments for circular hospitals, involving UUCePP researcher Ann Rainville.
NWA innovative project funding has been awarded to investigate how a better match between public procurement rules and circularity demands can be achieved.
UUCePP researchers Elisabetta Manunza and Nathan Meershoek wrote an advisory report for the Ministry of Defence on public-private cooperation and public procurement rules.
Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe RENFORCE welcomes contributions for the 3rd Utrecht EU Trade and Investment Law Workshop on 6 December 2024
Researchers from Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) and CSES explored technological developments of digitalisation in budgetary control within the EU.
At the invitation of the EU Commission's Government Experts Group on Public Procurement, Prof Willem Janssen shared his views on European public procurement rules.
On 27 September, Prof Elisabetta Manunza of Utrecht University Centre for Public Procurement speaks to the Dutch Lower House Committee for Economic Affairs and Climate
As of 1 September 2023, dr. Willem Janssen has been appointed professor by special appointment of Procurement Law at the University of Groningen. The chair was established by the Dutch Association for Procurement Law