Scientific research
‘The size of the market for public procurement outside of the Netherlands and Europe varies from 15% of the GDP in developed countries to more than 75% in developing countries.’
Impact public procurement
According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), public procurement in the Netherlands entails about €120 billion of expenditures on an annual basis by the public sector. The size of the market for public procurement outside of the Netherlands and Europe varies from 15% of the GDP in developed countries to more than 75% in developing countries. As a consequence, the economic importance of this sector is evident. In addition to the procurement of goods and works, this emphasizes the need to purchase services that are essential for citizens - from (home) care, the supply of water, gas, electricity, waste disposal and processing, to refugee housing (etc.) - through just and effective procedures.
‘Interdisciplinary scientific (and applied) research is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of public procurement markets.’
Importance of interdisciplinary research
Interdisciplinary scientific (and applied) research is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of public procurement markets. Most of the current and future challenges that our society is confronted with can only be suitably addressed by combining legal, economic, and public purchasing sciences.
The combined input of these disciplines establishes the preconditions to research to what extent a public procurement procedure is useful, and if so, whether it can be an effective instrument to accomplish policy goals in various societal fields, such as combatting unemployment and climate change, safeguarding and increasing national security, stimulating social inclusion, sustainability and innovation.
Research question
The central research question entails: 'In what way should the market for public procurement be regulated to realise the highest economic and societal advantages?'
Embedded in Utrecht University
Due to the selection of its research themes (core values, solidarity, national security, sustainability and innovation), the UUCePP links up with research that is conducted university-wide in Utrecht (Institutions for Open Societies - IOS) and within the law department (RENFORCE). In addition, the UUCePP fulfils a key role in the IOS research-hub 'Social Entrepreneurship Initiative', in which research is done into the role and possible contribution of (social) entrepreneurship in overcoming societal challenges.
Our publications can be found at the personal profile-pages of our staff members on the website of the Utrecht University.
Scientific Board
The Scientific Board of the Centre for Public Procurement consists of Prof. dr. E.R. (Elisabetta) Manunza, professor of International and European Public Procurement Law and Prof. dr. ir. Fredo Schotanus, Professor of Public Procurement, by special appointment, both employed at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance of Utrecht University.
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