Joint Special Interest Group NLP@U

Organisation team


The amounts of text (scholarly, historical, social) are vast, are increasing rapidly. There are more texts than one person can ever read, and keeping up with new texts is also impossible. Most collections of textual data are too large for human processing. Instead, researchers use data mining techniques to extract insights and information from such text collections (corpora).
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a research method in which large collections of written language are analyzed by means of computational and statistical techniques. This method is already employed in various disciplines at UU and UMCU, such as linguistics (extracting user-specified grammatical constructions, sentiment analysis), biomedical research (classifying research papers as either relevant or irrelevant), history (tracking concepts over time), literary studies (stylometrics, authorship), etc. The SIG aims to promote NLP as a useful research method in the UU and UMCU community, and to explore novel applications of NLP in research, as well as fundamental research into NLP methods


The SIG is a collaboration between the focus area Applied Data Science and Human-centered Artificial Intelligence.
The SIG is open to all researchers at UU or UMCU who are interested in NLP. If you would like to be updated about the activities of this SIG, please register for our newsletter.


For further inquiries, please contact Antal van den Bosch.

  • Events

    • NLP@U period-3 meeting

      The period-3 meeting of the Utrecht NLP Hub (NLP@U) will be hosted by the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. A program will be announced soon.
    • NLP@U period-4 meeting

      The period-4 meeting of the Utrecht NLP Hub (NLP@U) will take place on June 5 and will be hosted by the Faculty of Medicine. A program will be announced soon.
  • News
