SPRONG Responsible Applied AI
The University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU), the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam (HvA), University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam (HR) and the partners municipalities Amsterdam and Rotterdam, provinces Zuid-Holland and Utrecht, Cupola XS, Media Perspectives and CGI, are building up a powerful research group over the next eight years that will operate regionally and nationally as the main center for practice-based research in the field of Responsible Applied AI. The SPRONG program (Stimuleren van PRaktijkgerichte ONderzoeksGroepen) supports universities of applied science in further building and strengthening research groups.
Current AI research is mostly fundamental and technology-oriented and therefore hardly provides answers to questions on how to implement AI in a responsible way. The SPRONG group conducts research into responsible AI solutions for companies and institutions. With the research experiences and results, the SPRONG group then aims to develop a Responsible Applied AI methodology that helps to design, develop and implement AI solutions.
Developing this methodology requires knowledge building and sharing that researchers develop together with professional practitioners. Starting point is therefore the (continued) development of a hybrid learning environment including the domain Media. Designers, AI developers, problem owners, end users, researchers and students pull together in this.
Johan Versendaal