Game design, AI, system Modeling: Long-term consumer and community empowerment in energy

By developing integrated tools as the shared platform between citizens and the energy system, and thus enabling user-centred sustainable energy systems, we envision a future where households play an active role in the energy transition. This requires an interdisciplinary approach and collaboration along the whole energy value chain. Game research will be coupled with advanced modelling techniques and smart meter data, for providing informed and reliable feedback to citizens about optimal energy management in households. The developed tools will be demonstrated and verified in several Dutch municipalities for enhancing energy consumer empowerment which is crucial for a low-carbon energy system.


Jan-Dirk Fijnheer, Hossein Nasrollahi

Academic supervisors

Ioannis. Lampropoulos, Herre van Oostendorp, Remco Veltkamp, Joost Raessens, Judith Masthoff, Wilfried van Sark, Stefan Werning, Sanne Akerboom, Marleen Gillebaart

Grant funding agency; (co-)funding (non-)academic partners

NWO KIC call ‘Energy transition as a socio-technical challenge; E.ON SE (Germany), Elin Verd S.A. (Greece), Voltalis (France), University of Mannheim (Germany), University of Bayreuth (Germany)