For questions regarding research, social impact or requests for cooperation, please contact Thomas Martens. For press inquiries, you may also contact Ronnie van Veen, press officer for the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
For general information about the Sociology department, please contact the secretariat (+31 30 253 2101).
For information about teaching within Sociology, please contact
The Sociology department's management team members are:
prof. dr. ir. Tanja van der Lippe
Head of DepartmentProfessorEmail: a.g.vanderlippe@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 4156
Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht
Tel. 030 25 34 700 (receptie Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw)
Het universiteitsterrein is rookvrij.
Opening hours
During the end-of-year holidays, most buildings are closed. Check which buildings are open.
In this building
- Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen
- Departement Maatschappijwetenschappen
- Onderwijs- en studentenzaken
- Studie-informatiepunt
- Huisvesting & Services Centrumgebied