Report: 'Big city, long crisis: Learning from two years of Utrecht's Corona experiences'
Members of ADAPT project publish report for the Municipality of Utrecht
The past few years have been largely dominated by corona. Now that things seem quieter in that area, it is important to look back on this period and learn from it. Two members of the ADAPT team, which is part of the Security in Open Societies platform, Paul 't Hart (Utrecht University) and Arjen Boin (Crisis Plan), did this for the municipality of Utrecht.
The result of this research is the recently published report: 'Big city, long-term crisis: Learning from two years of Utrecht's Corona experiences'.
The municipality of Utrecht says about it: In drawing up the lessons learned, the researchers used a timeline and documents drawn up by the municipality and held a round of interviews to gather input from key figures from various sectors and internal crisis teams. The municipal council was also invited to talk to the investigators. The report contains a description of the administrative and organisational challenges the municipality has faced in the past two years.
The researchers also outline the Utrecht approach and explain how Utrecht carried out the four major crisis tasks. In addition, the researchers note various lessons that the respondents in the study have formulated and provide a brief reflection on them. The report concludes with ten recommendations to make the city more crisis-proof.
About the ADAPT project
Societies are increasingly plagued by emergencies, such as natural disasters, pandemics and economic crises. But how do we successfully adapt during (and after) these emergencies? Not enough is known about this. In the ADAPT Academy, researchers from Utrecht University, Leiden University, Radboud University, VU University Amsterdam and the Twente University are working together, resulting in more knowledge and expertise on the adaptive capacity of societies in times of crisis.
The aim is also for scientists, together with citizens and policymakers, to develop knowledge, insights, instruments and strategies to help societies better navigate through crises. All this is based on past and present crises.