Make sure you participate in the Societal Impact Award!
Are you passionate about making the world a better place? Are you and your fellow students working on a project that makes a societal impact? Then we’re looking for you!
Societal Impact
The faculty of Law, Economics and Governance awards the Societal Impact Award for projects run by students or university staff that contribute to solving a societal issue. Such projects link research and education with society. Are you working on such a project? Or does a fellow student or other initiative come to mind? Then nominate yourself or your fellow students for this year’s award!
Make sure you participate in the Societal Impact Award!
You can submit the nomination by sending an email to before 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 1st of December. For further information about the criteria or what to submit, head to the Societal Impact Award page. If you have any questions, please contact us by email.
The award which consists of €1000 will be presented during the new year reception in January.
There will be a Societal Award for university staff too.