Gil Cavalcanti appointed Professor of Generalized Complex Geometry and Mathematical Physics

portret van Gil Cavalcanti

As of 1 December, Gil Cavalcanti is appointed as Professor of Generalized Complex Geometry and Mathematical Physics at the Mathematical Institute. Generalized complex geometry is part of differential geometry, and is related to string theory and mathematical physics. With this appointment, Utrecht University strengthens its leading position in fundamental mathematics in the Netherlands.

The research field Generalized Complex Geometry focuses on providing geometrical methods for string theory, a research field that aims to unify the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics. The research field was initiated by Prof. Nigel Hitchin, Cavalcanti’s PhD advisor, making Cavalcanti one of the first active researchers in this field, and an important contributor to shaping the research field. Cavalcanti received a Veni grant in 2007, followed by a Vidi in 2011.

Education and public knowledge

Besides research, this chair also contributes to strengthening Utrecht University’s successful dual Bachelor’s programme and the Master’s programmes in Mathematics and Physics, through the connection the chair makes between mathematics and (fundamental) physics. Cavalcanti has been programme director of the Master’s programme in Mathematical Sciences since 2019 and chair of the national MasterMath programme since 2021, in which all Dutch mathematics departments collaborate on a joint Master’s curriculum.

In addition, Cavalcanti has ambitions to contribute to Utrecht University’s Open Science programme and to further expand it within the Mathematical Institute as well. One of his ideas, for instance, is to use recordings of online mathematics education to promote public knowledge about mathematics.

Gil Cavalcanti

Gil Cavalcanti studied at the University of Campinas in Brazil. He received his PhD from Oxford University in 2005 under supervision of Prof. Nigel Hitchin, the founder of Generalized Complex Geometry. After his PhD, Cavalcanti worked for several years as a Junior Research Fellow at Oxford University, before joining Utrecht University in 2008, first as an assistant professor and since 2012 as an associate professor.