Also in times of crisis we need artists

Bart Lunenburg on his work

Art is not only beautiful to look at but can also contribute to our cultural memory. For centuries, artists have created work to reflect on the times they live in and the crisis they face. From monuments to paintings to sound installations, there are all kinds of ways to commemorate pandemics, wars and disasters.

Three artists were able to create a work inspired by the corona crisis with a contribution from Utrecht University, ZonMW and the Centraal Museum . These are very diverse works, which show how art can not only move but also inspire and, in the words of artist Bart Lunenburg, 'provoke a flow of thought'.

In these three videos you can meet the artists and learn about the work they are creating relating to the COVID-crisis. Subtitles in English are provided via YouTube or read the full article in Dutch. 


Rosa Everts on her work
Sanne Kabalt on her work