Online Resources NILOS
Books, articles and papers
Report on the Expert Workshop “Sovereignty, a shape-shifting concept in ocean governance?” (Utrecht, 13 June 2019), edited by Vivian Aiyedogbon, Vassilis Dokalis and Isik Girgiç. NILOS Paper Series 2, October 2019.
Otto Spijkers - The Plastic Whale and our agreement to protect the oceans, blog post about the Skyscraper whale in the Catharijnesingel in Utrecht and the link with Sustainable Development Goal 14
Alex Oude Elferink and Otto Spijkers - Analyse van het internationaalrechtelijk kader inzake kunstmatige eilanden in de Nederlandse exclusieve economische zone (EEZ) (pdf) report commissioned by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (October 2018)
Maddalena Visser, Assessing the role of equity in fisheries allocation decisions, published on the JCLOS Blog (August 2018)
Alex Oude Elferink - Maritime Delimitation in Ghana/Côte d’Ivoire: Predictability… with an Occasional Glitch, published on the JCLOS Blog (February 2018)
Alex Oude Elferink - Slovenia/Croatia arbitration – Is the territorial sea delimitation inconsistent with the case law on maritime delimitation? published on the JCLOS Blog (August 2017)
Alex Oude Elferink - The South China Sea Arbitration’s Interpretation of Article 121(3) of the LOSC: A Disquieting First, published on the JCLOS Blog (September 2016)
Alex Oude Elferink - The Russian Federation and the Arctic Sunrise Case: Hot Pursuit and Other Issues under the LOSC (pdf), in International Law Studies (vol. 92, 2016)
Nelson Coelho - Extraterritoriality from the Port: EU’s approach to jurisdiction over ship-source pollution (pdf), in Spanish Yearbook of International Law (vol. 19, 2015)
Erik J. Molenaar - The December 2015 Washington Meeting on High Seas Fishing in the Central Arctic Ocean, published on the JCLOS Blog (February 2016)
Erik J. Molenaar - The Oslo Declaration on High Seas Fishing in the Central Arctic Ocean (pdf), Arctic Yearbook 2015 (available at, pp. 427-431
Erik J. Molenaar, co-editor with Marta Chantal Ribiero, Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection in Europe. Multiple Layers in Regulation and Compliance
(Gráfica Ediliber: 2015; download here (pdf).
Alex Oude Elferink - International Law and Negotiated and Adjudicated Maritime Boundaries: a Complex Relationship (pdf)
Pre-print of an article published in 58 (2015) German Yearbook of International Law (pp. 231-264)
Alex Oude Elferink - ITLOS’s Approach to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the Bangladesh/Myanmar Case: Theoretical and Practical Difficulties (pdf)
Pre-print of an article published in: R. Wolfrum, M. Seršić and T. Šošić (eds), Contemporary Developments in International Law; Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas (Brill Nijhoff Publishers,2016), pp. 230-249.
Erik J. Molenaar - International Law on Arctic Fisheries (available as fulltext at, pp 79-90)
Published in: Polar Law and Resources (Nordic Council of Ministers: 2015)
Erik J. Molenaar - An Introduction to the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement, (pdf), presentation at a seminar organised by the European Commission, DG MARE in Brussels (February 2018)
Erik J. Molenaar: The Five-Plus-Five Process on Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries in the Context of the Evolving International Law Relating to the Sea and the Arctic (pdf)
Date: 7 December 2017. At: symposium The Role of Non-Arctic States / Actors in the Arctic Legal Order-Making, Kobe.
Erik J. Molenaar: The Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Negotiations (pdf)
Richard Caddell: The Implications of Brexit for Fisheries in the North Sea (pdf)
Date: 31 May 2017. At: workshop by NILOS, UCWOSL & JCLOS on Current Developments in the Law of the Sea, Utrecht.
Erik J. Molenaar - Relative Stability in Context International Fisheries Law (pdf)
Erik J. Molenaar - Changes to Relative Stability in light of International Rules and Practices on Allocation (pdf)
Date: 17/18 May 2017. At: workshop 'Relative Stability - Quo Vadis', organized by the Pew Charitable Trusts, Brussels.
Richard Caddell - After The Thaw: Ice Retreat and Newly Exposed Marine Areas (pdf)
Date: 8 April 2017. At: workshop on Ice Law, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
Erik J. Molenaar - Brexit and Fisheries: An International Fisheries Law Perspective (pdf)
Date: 22 March 2017. At: meeting on Brexit and Fisheries at the European Parliament, Brussels, convened by the European Fisheries Alliance (EUFA).
Erik J. Molenaar - International Regulation of High Seas Fishing in the Central Arctic Ocean (pdf)
Date: 23 September 2016. At: seminar Innovating for Change in Global Fisheries Governance, Norway
Erik J. Molenaar - Overzicht internationaalrechtelijk raamwerk (Antarctica) / Overzicht internationaalrechtelijk raamwerk (Arctica)
Date: 14 September 2016. At: seminar on Fishing in the Polar Regions, Utrecht
Erik J. Molenaar - SDG 14: Life Below Water: A Commentary (pdf)
Date: 27-29 June 2016. At: conference Critical Perspectives on Governing by Sustainable Development Goals, Amsterdam
Erik J. Molenaar - Multilateral fisheries allocation: an overview of global instruments pdf) and Multilateral fisheries allocation: procedural aspects (pdf)
Date: 22 February 2016. At: NEAFC Seminar on Allocation Criteria and Associated Issues
Erik J. Molenaar - Arctic Fishing (pdf)
Date: 24 June 2015. At: EU and the Arctic. Workshop 3: The Maritime Dimension of the Arctic, organized by the European Commission in Reykjavik, Iceland
Erik J. Molenaar - Arctic Fisheries and International Law (pdf)
Date: 30 June 2014. At: webinar on Future Arctic Fisheries, part of the 2014 Arctic Summer College
Alex Oude Elferink - Formal dispute settlement or diplomatic solutions: Maritime boundary cases (pdf)
Date: 8 March 2014. At: expert workshop Law of the Sea in the 21st Century; Stalemate or flexibility to address new challenges? at the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law, Kiel, Germany