The 53rd eucen conference is organised by Utrecht University and EUCEN. On this page you'll find more information about the organisers.

About Utrecht University
Founded in 1636 and located in the heart of the Netherlands, Utrecht University is one of Europe's leading research universities. The university is located in one of the most competitive regions in Europe and was shortlisted for the Global Teaching Excellence Award 2017. The university conducts fundamental and societally relevant research into a vast array of disciplines that inspires multidisciplinary research inside and outside the university. But the university is not only recognised internationally for its high-quality research, it is also known for its outstanding, innovative and inclusive education. Utrecht University has always been at the forefront of excellent and pioneering education. At the university, teaching is embedded in a vision based on the Utrecht Educational Model. This results in outstanding academic outcomes for our over 30,000 students, studying at our 45 bachelor's programmes and 140 master's programmes.
Utrecht University and University Continuing Education
Continuing Education (CE) or University Continuing Education (UCE) within Utrecht University (UU) is directly linked to the research that is being conducted at the university and to our (research) expertise.
The UU sees CE as an integral part of its primary process, which is embedded into the organisation and into regular work processes, and which is also enshrined in the strategic plan. Over the next few years, the University plans to invest further in the development of a broader and more diverse range of CE courses.
The added value of the UU's involvement in Continuing Education in general lies in the impact that we can have on both society as a whole and on our own education and research. Given the wide range of formats in which Continuing Education is delivered, for example, our knowledge and expertise end up in the places where it is needed and with those who need it. We also contribute to solutions to social problems by increasing the dissemination of new knowledge and insights.
EUCEN, the European University Continuing Education Network, is a multidisciplinary European association for University Lifelong Learning. It was created in May 1991 and registered in Belgium as a non-governmental, non-profit making organisation.