Call for contributions: EUCEN 2023
The power of connection!
The aim of University Continuing Education is to have impact in at least three domains: To have impact on the motivation and performance of professionals; to have impact on solving societal challenges such as the Sustainable Development Goals; and to have an impact on social cohesion, social engagement and active citizenship. Based on the recent developments in the Netherlands and at Utrecht University in particular, we will discuss the changing positioning of University Continuing Education in society and explore future horizons where UCE might be less about courses and degrees and more about becoming a knowledge partner in a learning network with several actors.
In this call, we therefore equally address researchers, practitioners, administrators as well as professionals and their organizations. We are aiming at different types of contributions that add to an evidence informed foundation for UCE, to the repertoire of UCE formats and didactics, to an organic fit between academic teaching and professional practices, and to best practices in facilitating UCE within a university administration. The submission deadline has currently passed and the submissions are being evaluated. We will contact anyone who has submitted an abstract.
Consequently, we are looking for three categories of contributions:
- Research papers including conceptual or empirical work on the topic of the conference; papers will be presented in 20 minutes time slots.
- Testing ground laboratories where participants can experience concrete innovative UCE/ULLL practices, formats and didactics. The laboratories will have 90 minutes (including an evaluation and reflection part).
- Short papers on Organisational and administrative innovations in domains as UCE-leadership, embedding UCE in university primary processes, improving the quality and professionalization of UCE and UCE teachers, connecting academia and society et cetera; short papers will be presented in 20 minutes time slots.
These three specific types of contributions will be offered in parallel sessions. Additionally, we will also provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas between scientists, practitioners, representatives of professional organisations in the public and private sector as well as administrators and policy makers.
Contributions to one of the 3 streams are welcome from all around the world and all fields of research on University Continuing Education as well as from practitioners, administrative staff and representatives of educational institutions who contribute to (University) Continuing Education in their area of expertise.
Abstracts should not be more than 500 words and should be submitted by March 1st 2023 at the latest. The submission deadline has currently passed and the submissions are being evaluated. We will contact anyone who has submitted an abstract.
The EUCEN Utrecht Conference Scientific Committee, headed by Prof. Dr. Wieger Bakker, is responsible for the selection of the submitted abstracts.
Ms. Floor Bottemanne, Head of Continuing Education Office, Utrecht University