Frequently Asked Questions
Check the frequently asked questions about admission and enrolment for the Bachelor's programme Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences. If you still have questions, please check the contact page.
The bachelor MBLS starts in September. Application is only possible between October 15 and April 1st (non-EU) or May 1st (EU-students). Students with a non-EU diploma pay an application fee of 100 euros. You can apply for MLBS via Studielink.
More information about application can be found on the page Application and admission.
MBLS strictly upholds the entry requirements, and exceptions cannot be made. After your application the UU admissions office assesses the level of the required subjects in your high-school diploma and qualifies if they meet our entry requirements. The UU admissions office informs you about this.
More information about the entry requirements can be found on Application and admission. You can contact the admissions office via
Utrecht University does not offer any courses to bring you to the level of our entry requirements. When you have a deficiency, you will need to acquire a VWO-certificate for that specific subject. Courses and exams are offered (also online) by the Boswell Institute or Wismon (only mathematics). CVXX offers the possibility to do the exam without a course. You need to upload your VWO-certificate before September 1, when you start the programme in September. GCSE level is not the same as a VWO-certificate and is not sufficient.
Any relevant university education that you have followed in the field of MBLS will be considered when you apply for the bachelor MBLS. Only once you have been admitted to the programme, the board of examiners may evaluate your previous university education and decide if you can skip certain courses which are part of the MBLS-programme. We cannot make any promises about this beforehand.
The entry requirements for HBO-students who have finished their first year at a University of Applied Sciences can be found on the page Application and admission.
Utrecht University has some scholarships for international master students, but not for bachelor students. However, in the Netherlands there are other possibilities for financing your studies.
Find more information on the page of Grants and Scholarships.
The number of students in the MBLS bachelor programme is roughly around 140 students each year. 50% are international students. The language of education is English. There is no selection procedure, but we do have strict entry requirements.
Information about the different courses (mandatory and elective) within the bachelor MBLS can be found on the page of Study programme.
For the MBLS diploma 180 ects (credits) are needed. Of these credits, 45 credits can be used to follow courses in other disciplines, such as a minor or an exchange with another university. The other 135 ects make up the major and include mandatory and elective MBLS-courses and the bachelor thesis.
To finish the bachelor MBLS, every student needs to carry out an individual research project of 10 weeks, leading to the Bachelor Thesis. This research is carried out in one of the research groups within Utrecht University. Apart from the Bachelor Thesis, there is no room for internships within the bachelor programme.
There is room for internships within the Master Programmes that can follow the bachelor phase.