Application and admission
On this page you can find all the information you need to find out if you are admissible for this programme and what you need to sign up.
Check here if you are admissible for this programme. Please choose the situation that applies to you.
I have obtained a:
Welke diploma's geven toegang?
Je dient te beschikken over een vwo-diploma met:
- Cultuur & Maatschappij + profielkeuzevak wiskunde B en natuurkunde en scheikunde en biologie
- Economie & Maatschappij + profielkeuzevakken wiskunde B en natuurkunde en scheikunde en biologie
- Natuur & Gezondheid + profielkeuzevakken wiskunde B en natuurkunde
- Natuur & Techniek met profielkeuzevak biologie
Toelatingseisen hbo-propedeuse
Je dient te beschikken over een:
- Hbo-propedeuse Life Sciences + vwo certificaten wiskunde B en natuurkunde; deze propedeuse geeft een vrijstelling voor de vwo-certificaten biologie en scheikunde
- Hbo-propedeuse + vwo certificaten biologie, wiskunde B, scheikunde en natuurkunde
- En een aanvullend examen Engelse taalvaardigheid op vwo-niveau, indien vooropleiding havo; de eisen waaraan dit aanvullend examen dient te voldoen vind je bij English Language Requirements (zie uitklapmenu non-Dutch diploma)
Diploma and subject requirements
If you hold a non-Dutch secondary school diploma, International Student Admissions (ISA) will determine whether the level of your diploma, in particular for the subjects biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, is comparable to the level of Dutch pre-university education.
Please consult the diploma list of specific subject requirements per country (includes International and European Baccalaureate). For other countries please contact the International Student Admission Office, they will determine on a case-by-case basis whether the requirements are met.
What if I am missing one of the required entry requirements?
If the level of your diploma is insufficient and/or subject(s) are missing, International Student Admissions will advise you how to remedy this. There are private institutions like Boswell-Bèta, WisMon, or CCVX where you can gain your qualification prior to the start of the programme. You will need to have met all the programmes subject requirements (including the English language test) and send a hardcopy of your diploma(s) to ISA no later than 31 August.
If you require an entry visa/residence permit for study purposes you have to:
- Obtain your secondary school diploma no later than 31 August
- Meet all the other subject requirements before 15 June
English language requirements
Utrecht University uses the EMI (English Medium of Instruction) system to assess applicants’ English language skills, which distinguishes three proficiency levels: EMI-ready, EMI-experienced and EMI-advanced.
The required English level for admission to this Bachelor’s programme is EMI-ready.
Please visit our EMI-ready page for Bachelor's degree programmes to find the accepted tests, required scores and exemptions for EMI-ready programmes.
Application procedure
Here you can find more information about the application procedure for this programme.
I want to apply with a:
Application deadline
Registration for the 2025-2026 academic year opens on 1 October 2024. The application deadline is 1 May 2025.
Step-by-step application
- Read the application instructions.
- Go to Studielink.
- Click Log in with DigiD.
If you don’t have a DigiD yet, you can apply for one on the DigiD website. You will receive your activation code through the post within five days.
If you do not live in the Netherlands, you are ineligible for a DigiD account. In that case, click Create Studielink-account without DigiD. - You will receive an email with your login details for OSIRIS Online Application, where you can proceed with your application.
After application
After you apply in Studielink, you will receive messages describing what else needs to happen to complete your registration. You should also monitor your spam folder.
Among other things, you will receive information about how to pay your tuition.
If you require a visa and/or residence permit to study in the Netherlands, any applicable entry exam (including the language test) must be passed before 15 June.
When to apply?
We recommend that you apply as early as possible. Deadlines:
- non-EU students: the latest date by which we can receive and process your application is 1 April. This deadline also applies to non-EU students who currently hold a residence permit for study purposes at another Dutch institution.
- EU students: the latest date by which we can receive and process your application is 1 May.
Complete your application in time!
When applying online, you are asked to upload a number of documents. Please submit your application and all required documents well before the latest date of application. If you submit your documents shortly before the deadline, and it turns out that they are incomplete or do not meet our requirements, we will not be able to consider your application.
It also takes time to prepare for any possible additional exams you may need to take, so the sooner you know, the better!
When can you expect a decision?
After you submit your application, the Admissions Office will check whether you have sent in all the documentation required and your application is indeed complete. If so, we will check whether your diploma is equivalent to a Dutch VWO diploma, and whether you meet the subject requirements. Within 3 weeks after we have received your complete application, you will receive the official admissions decision.
Application procedure
The following steps will help you submit a complete application for this programme:
- Check whether you meet the entry requirements for this Bachelor’s programme.
- Apply in a timely manner, preferably well before the deadline; see When to apply.
- Read the application instructions.
- Submit an enrolment application for this programme in Studielink.
- You will receive an email with your login details for OSIRIS Online Application, where you can upload the required documents and pay the application fee, if applicable.
Required documents
These are the forms and documents you must submit:
- A scan of your passport
- If applicable: a scan of your Dutch residence permit
- A scan of your diploma(s) or diploma statement (if necessary with official translations)
- A scan of your transcript(s) (if necessary with official translations)
- A scan of your official English language test report or certificate
After your application
After you apply in Studielink, you will receive messages describing what else needs to happen to complete your registration. You should also monitor your spam folder.
Among other things, you will receive information about how to pay your tuition.
Utrecht University thinks it is important to choose a Bachelor's programme that suits you. That's why a matching procedure is part of the application procedure of Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences (MBLS). Matching will give you a better idea about the methods, approach and level of the programme. This procedure is compulsory for Dutch residents and voluntary though highly recommended for non-Dutch residents.
Nadat je je hebt aangemeld in Studielink is de volgende stap, om te mogen starten met de opleiding, verplichte deelname aan het matchingstraject voor studenten met een Nederlands woonadres (peildatum 1 mei). Het matchingstraject bestaat uit het invullen van een matchingsformulier en het deelnemen aan een (online) matchingsactiviteit. Kom meer te weten over hoe de volledige matchingsprocedure bij Molecular and Biophyisical Life Sciences verloopt.
If you are not a resident in the Netherlands, matching is voluntary though highly recommended. You will automatically receive an invitation to join matching once you have enrolled in Studylink. Based on your experience during the online Matching and the feedback you received from the teacher, you can make your deliberated final decision about starting the MBLS programme.
If you have any questions beforehand regarding the matching procedure, please contact us on
Did you make your choice?
You can apply for the Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences programme by registering via Studielink.