Prof. dr. Jan van Tartwijk

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer E3.11
3584 CS Utrecht

Prof. dr. Jan van Tartwijk

Sociale Wetenschappen
030 253 3910

In mijn onderzoek richt ik mij op uiteenlopende onderwerpen, zoals op de communicatieprocessen tussen leraren en leerlingen in de klas (met name in multiculturele klassen), op leren en beoordelen op de werkplek, op de relaties tussen beoordeling en motivatie, beoordeling en creativiteit, en op de ontwikkeling van expertise van leraren en de bijdrage die de lerarenopleiding daaraan kan leveren. Recent ben ik onderzoek gestart naar verschillen tussen de binnen- en buitenschoolse leefwereld van leerlingen en de effecten daarvan op onderwijskansen.

Mijn onderzoek maakt onderdeel uit van het programma Education and Learning. Daarnaast ben ik een van de trekkers van het universitaire onderzoeksfocusgebied "Professional Performance" en van het programma "Change your perspective! Youth's media use and the role of teaching and education." (onderdeel van Dynamics of Youth: een van vier strategische onderzoeksthema's van de universiteit). 

Better Together: een sociale netwerk analyse van meertalige interacties in het klaslokaal 01-09-2022
Algemene projectbeschrijving


Verbal interaction in the language classroom is both a means and a goal in the language learning process. There are a lot of factors that influence students’ decision to interact with their teacher and fellow students in the classroom. For example, their background knowledge, their motivation level, their mood, and their relationship with the teacher could all play a role. Translanguaging, the planned use of more than one language for teaching and learning, is a promising pedagogical approach that stimulates learners to use their full linguistic repertoire for learning. In a more and more (linguistically) diverse society, this mixed language use could make a large impact on student behavior. 

This project aims to investigate moment-to-moment classroom interaction patterns, through social network analyses. These analyses will allow us to quantify how students and teachers interact, and estimate how this interaction might be improved. The goal of this project is to gain more insight into how using diverse languages can add to the language learning process that occurs in secondary schools. 

This project is a collaboration between the departments of Education and Methodology & Statistics. The interdisciplinary "Better Together" team brings together insights from educational psychology, applied linguistics and data science in order to improve our understanding of how teenagers in a multilingual society like the Netherlands may develop their interactional competence during foreign language lessons. Results of this project may inform teacher education and educational policy.


1e geldstroom Faculty Social and Behavioural Sciences