Prof. dr. Maja Dekovic

Current PhD projects

1. Nicolette Munsters (NWO). The role of visual processing in social behavior across development.

     Period: 2013-2017

     Supervisors: prof. dr. C. Kemner & prof. dr. M. Dekovic, co-supervisor: dr. C. van den Boomen


2. Sharon Dijkstraa (ZonMW). Evaluation of Family Group Conferencing in youth care

    Period: 2012-2017

    Supervisors: prof. dr. G. J. Stams, prof. dr. J. Asscher & prof. dr. M. Dekovic


 3. Marike Deutz (NWO). Regulation problems from (early) childhood to adolescence: Precursors and consequences.

     Period: 2012-2018

    Supervisors: prof. dr. M. Dekovic, prof. dr. A. L. van Baar & prof. dr. P. Prinzie, co-supervisor: Dr. H. Vossen


 4. Sanne Geeraerts (NWO). Development of infant self-regulation within the early caregiver relationship: A cascade model

    Period: 2014-2019

    Supervisors: prof. dr. M. Dekovic & prof. dr. C. Kemner; co-supervisor: Dr. J. Huijding


5. Stefanos Mastrotheodoros (UU YouTH). Parenting during adolescence and young adulthood: Individual, relational,

    and intergenerational processes.

    Period: 2015-2019

    Supervisors: prof. dr. S. Branje & prof. dr. M. Dekovic; co-supervisor: dr. J. van der Graaff


6. Rianne van Dijk (GS UU). Family break-up, system break-down: Dynamic post-divorce processes and child adjustment

    over time

   Period: 2015-2019

   Supervisors: prof. dr. M. Dekovic & prof. dr. S. Branje; co-supervisor: dr. I. van der Valk


 7. Esther Mertens (ZonMW). Solid as a rock, flexible as water? Improving students’ psychosocial wellbeing in   

    prevocational schools

   Period: 2016-2020

   Supervisor: prof. dr. M. Dekovic, co-supervisor: dr. E. Reitz


 8. Lysanne te Brinke (ZonMW). Enhancing emotion regulation in adolescents with externalizing problem behavior

    Period: 2016-2020

    Supervisors: prof. dr. B. Orobio de Castro & prof. dr. M. Dekovic, co-supervisors: Dr. A.Menting & Dr. H. Schuiringa


9. Soundry Staats (UU YouTH).The development of emotional dysregulation in preadolescents: Macro- and micro-level

     relations between parenting and emotional dysregulation as predictors of psychosocial problems

    Period: 2016-2020

    Supervisor: prof. dr. M. Dekovic, co-supervisor: Dr. J. Huijding


10. Gijs Holleman (NWO-CID). Paradigm development for the study of gaze behaviour in social interaction

     Period: 2017-2021

     Supervisors: prof. dr. C. Kemner & prof. dr. M. Dekovic, co-supervisor: dr. I. Hooge & R. Hessels




Grants (last five years)


Dekovic, M., Slagt, M., Aken, M.A.G. van, & Dubas, J. (2012). Children’s differential susceptibility to parenting: Putting ‘for better and for worse’ to the test. [NWO Onderzoekstalent no. 406-11-030] (€ 168.576).

Kemner, C. et al. (2012). Individual development: Why some children thrive, and others don't. [NWO Zwaartekracht-programma no. 024.001.003} (totaal € 27.600.000; projectsdl MD: € 600.000)

Dekovic, M. & Deater-Deckard, K. (2013). Visitors travel grant.[NWO Grant no. 040.11.415] (€ 3.300).

Asscher, J.J., Dekovic, M., & Stams, G.J.J.M (2013). Eigen Kracht Conferenties (EK-c’s) binnen de jeugdzorg: Kenmerken van het besluitvormingsmodel, uitvoering van de EK plannen en effectiviteit. [ZonMW Grant no. 70-72900-98-13158] (€ 149.636).

Stolz, S., Cillessen, T., Dekovic, M., Homberg, J., Van Londen, M., & De Weerth, C. (2013). What works? For whom? Testing genetic moderation of intervention efficacy for externalizing behavior in elementary school children.[Jacobs FoundationGrant] (€ 32.534).

Dekovic, M. & Ellis, B. (2015). Visitors travel grant.[NWO Grant no. 040.11.494] (€ 5.500)

Orobio de Castro, B., Albrechts, G, Asscher, J., De Lange, M., Dekovic, M., Mattys, W., Van der Rijken, R., & Van Domburgh, L. (2015). Consortium Kennisbevordering over de effectiviteit van interventies tegen externaliserende gedragsproblemen. [ZonMw Grant no. 729300014] (€ 724.713)

Orobio de Castro, B., Van Aken, M., Cillessen, T., Dekovic, M., Engels, R., Hodges, E., Van Lier, P., Onrust, S., Scholte, R., Veenstra, R. (2015). Wat werkt echt tegen pesten? Cluster-gerandomiseerde trials van effectiviteit in de schoolpraktijk. [NWO/ Overkoepelende Programmaraad voor Onderwijsonderzoek (OPRO) Grant no. 405-15-780-00] (€ 889.882,88).

Reitz, E., Dekovic, M., Van Londen-Barentsen, W. M., Ykema, F., & Ykema, J. (2015). Solid as a rock, flexible as water? Improving students’ psychosocial wellbeing in prevocational schools. [ZonMw Grant no. 531001106]( € 498.702,-).

 Bodden, D., Creemers, D., Dekovic, M ., Dirksen, C., Nauta, M., Riper, H., & Stikkelbroek, Y. (2016). Doepressie blended; innovatief e-mental health programma voor klinischdepressieve adolescenten op maat! [ZonMw Grant no. 70-72900-98-16144] (€ 199. 875)

Van der Put, C. E., Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M.,  Grietens, H., Orobio de Castro, B.,  Prinzie, P., &  Stams, G. J. J. M. (2016). Effectief vroegtijdig handelen ter voorkoming van kindermishandeling (fase 1). [ZonMw Grant no. 70-74100-98-100] (€ 25.000)

Van Domburgh, L., Albregt, G., Asscher, J., Dekovic, M., & Van der Rijken, R., (2017). Gezinsgericht werken in de JeugdzorgPlus: Wat werkt voor wie? ZonMw Grant no. 70-72700-98-309] (€ 46.361)








Hear Hear! Promoting the participation of children in the context of their parents’ divorce 01.01.2023 to 01.01.2027
General project description

Following parental separation or divorce, children’s voices and their legal right to participate are currently insufficiently guaranteed in families, during mediation, and in courts. There is a lack of scientific knowledge on how best to give effect to child participation. This study investigates whether children's participation in divorce-related decisions increases their sense of autonomy, relatedness, and competence, and thus improves their general functioning. In addition, possible risks of child participation to their adjustment are examined, as well as individual differences in this regard. The research will result in practical guidelines and tools to improve the participation of children around divorce.

NWO grant