Dr. Jolien van der Graaff

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer E224
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Jolien van der Graaff

Assistant Professor
Youth and Family
+31 30 253 1231

Jolien van der Graaff works as an assistant-professor at the department Youth and Family Studies of Utrecht University. Her research concerns the development of empathy and prosocial behavior in adolescence and young adulthood, and its links with relationship quality with family and friends. Jolien is involved in several research project as a copromotor. Further, Jolien is member of the exam committee for pedagogical sciences, and she teaches in several courses at bachelor and master level. Besides her work at the UU, Jolien works as a MfN-registered family mediator and as a teamcoach (Groene Hart Mediation).

Jolien van der Graaff is also the 'facultary contact person inappropriate behaviour' for employees. Emmy Krooshof is the 'facultary contact person misconduct' for students. 

Do you want to contact me as faculty contact person for inappropriate behaviour? You may reach me through telephone (030-2531231) or email (j.vandergraaff@uu.nl).