We are devoted to the study of religion in all of its appearances, in relation to pressing societal matters

One cannot make sense of the world without accounting for and, inevitably, engaging with religion. If, as has been argued, modernity was an attempt to undermine the presence of god(s) and spirits in the world – through disenchantment, the demarcation of “religion”, and secularisation – then the gods and spirits have responded with anything but silence. All over the world, people continue to make sense of their lives through religion or spirituality, by religious incursions into public spheres, in contestations over what it means to be free and equal, and in various conflicts. 

The Religious Studies research group is devoted to the study of religion in all of its appearances: its ideas and material forms, historical peculiarities, ethical and political challenges, and in relation to pressing societal concerns such as religious and
non-religious freedom, gender equality, racism, discrimination, and decolonisation. Read more about the research of Religious Studies