Realising Girls’ and Women’s Inclusion, Representation and Empowerment

Through transformative research, RE-WIRING seeks to rewire institutions to prevent and reverse gender inequalities, catalyse change processes, and actively involve diverse stakeholders in the research process. This approach generates socially robust knowledge necessary for sustainable and enduring transitions towards a more inclusive and equal society.
Our approach
Breaking free from conventional equality approaches, the RE-WIRING project pioneers a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to drive effective transformation and women’s empowerment. Developed within the esteemed Gender and Diversity Hub at Utrecht University, our novel three-dimensional framework recognizes the critical importance of addressing institutional, experiential, and symbolical dimensions simultaneously. Read more about RE-WIRING at the project's website (link below).

Our team
The RE-WIRING project, funded by Horizon Europe, will be coordinated by Utrecht University, the Netherlands, with professor Linda Senden acting as project leader. The other participants are: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation (UK), Centre for Inclusive Leadership (CFIL, the Netherlands), Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto Entidad Religiosa (Spain), University of the Western Cape (South Africa), Uniwersytet Gdański (Poland).
This project builds on Utrecht University's interdisciplinary research into Gender, Diversity and Global Justice (part of the university-wide theme Institutions for Open Societies, IOS). The Gender, Diversity and Global Justice Platform (formerly known as the Gender and Diversity Hub) – which is currently co-o chaired by Linda Senden, Belle Derks, Rosemarie Buikema, Ruth van Veelen and Sandra Ponzanesi – has started to develop the three-dimensional (institutional, experiential and symbolical) research approach in the past years, by working from the disciplinary perspectives of law and governance, social sciences, and gender, media and culture studies.
The RE-WIRING project – including IOS Gender, Diversity & Global Justice members Birte Böök, Rosemarie Buikema, Belle Derks, Julie Fraser, Eva Midden, Linda Senden, Lorena Sosa and Ruth van Veelen – will develop this approach further, by connecting the three-dimensional approach to institutional change and nudging theories from the fields of political science, humanities, sociology and psychology. This will help to identify what is needed to bring about intrinsic change and a better practical implementation of a gender transformative approach on the ground of institutions.