SIM Research
View our key current research projects, and an overview of completed projects projects, below.
Research lines
SIM’s main areas of expertise are human rights protection during and after conflict, transitional justice, equality and non-discrimination, regional human rights mechanisms, and the interplay between human rights and international and EU law. The specific expertise of our researchers is listed on Researchers at SIM.
SIM’s research is largely partly funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the European Commission funding schemes, yet SIM researchers also carry out commissioned research for state institutions, civil society and others. To enquire, please email us and/or the researchers.
Human rights research is part and parcel of:
- The five research programmes at Utrecht University School of Law
- Utrecht University’s strategic theme Institutions for Open Societies and its platforms
- The Centre for Global Challenges (UGlobe).
Current research
The project Realising Girls’ and Women’s Inclusion, Representation and Empowerment seeks to identify the structural root causes of 'gendered' (gender-blind or gender-neutral) power hierarchies, in European countries and elsewhere, and – through transformative research – to ‘re-wire’ institutions in order to prevent and reverse existing gender inequalities. The project is funded by Horizon Europe.
Women's role in fostering water security in the South Caucasus
This one-year project aims to better understand factors that enable, or prevent, women’s participation in the dialogue around water security and its transboundary management. It will bring stakeholders together in a workshop, and from there build on an network of experts and women’s groups, who will work on achieving peace and (water) security. Funded by NWO.
Armed groups and international law (2020-2023)
Full title: Dangerous Liaisons: civilian agency, armed groups and international law
This project examines the concept of civilian agency in territories under the control of armed groups.
It is funded by NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research).European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination
The network provides independent information and advice to the European Commission on equality and non-discrimination law.
Gender Injustice
What are the shortcomings of European human rights law and how can these be addressed so as to advance gender justice?