Adaptive Systems

Adaptive Systems

Gerard Vreeswijk

Simple individual actions can result in complex behaviour throughout the system as a reaction.

Massive systems of interacting autonomous artificial agents (robots, game characters, turtles, ants, particles) raise questions on the impact of individual behaviour on global systems behaviour. Adaptive systems is a broad research area where agents are studied that execute simple individual behaviour but provoke complex systems behaviour.

Topics include bio-inspired and evolutionary robotics, learning, adaptation, evolution, cellular automata, agent behaviour and learning, swarm intelligence, artificial societies, agent-based simulation, non-player characters in games and simulations, collective intelligence, dynamics of evolutionary and swarm systems, evolutionary computation, evolutionary and artificial life-based art, artificial ecosystems and ecology-inspired systems, theories of life, self-awareness and consciousness, socio-technical and hybrid human-agent systems, verification and validation of agent-based systems, simulation software, agent communication and cooperation, applications to games and the creative sector, applications to high performance and cloud computing, ethical issues in artificial life and socio-technical agent-based systems, software engineering for artificial life and intelligent agents, artificial life-based software engineering.